Chapter -8

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Shaoshang remained still in her spot. Neither could she move towards her destination nor could she go back now. The sun had risen, and everyone in her house would be awake by now. It would take time to go back-the only thing she didn't have.

Why should I go back? I can always send letters to anyone. What if I tell Zisheng in a letter that I know his real identity and then reveal Prince Xiao's secret? It can work. Or maybe not. WHAT AN IDEA! The first thing he will do is find me and kill me.

Shaoshang groaned in frustration and kicked her foot against the ground.

"I can go back. But what should I tell my A'mu? No, I should continue my journey, but what about He Zhaojun's family?" She didn't notice, but she started talking to herself instead of thinking.

Her frustration was palpable, leading her to move forward and backward, as if physically pacing out her thoughts.

What else happens? This memory of mine!!!! Wait! It was a dream that is coming true. But in that dream or whatever it was, I never ran away from home.

"Things can change!" She said to herself.

Unbeknownst to her, people passing by were looking at her as if she had lost her mind. They were afraid to even approach her. Observers from afar called her a madwoman.

"Give me a reason not to go back, Niao Niao!" She said and lifted her right hand.

"Freedom, no more comparisons, no more interactions with him, doing what I love, no taunts," she continued as she curled all her fingers, "finding peace and happiness... Uff! I can count more." She grinned.

Then she started counting the reasons to go back with her left hand.

"Her family dies, Yao will never stand up for himself, Lou Ben dies, people of Hua County will die," she thought for a while but couldn't come up with anything . She didn't realise but her smile started to fade after counting the consequences of not going back.

"These can be solved with letters, so I should not go back." She curled her left hand into a fist.

"I will also send a letter to my family that I am fine." She smiled from ear to ear until a word struck her thoughts.

"Family... family..." Her smile faded slowly. "What will happen to Third Aunt? She will be safe, right? What if they ignore my warnings?"

She dropped to the ground, brought her knees near her chest, and held her head with both hands.

"I need to go back." She shook her head. What will I even say to my family? Niao Niao, you've dug your own grave. But I won't risk Third Aunt's life. She was the one who loved me without changing me. Even Yao... He was there for me. I cannot hurt him. He Zhaojun and her family don't deserve to go through all that bloodshed.

She stood up, dusted off her clothes, and said, "I will go back for the people who cared about me."

As she moved toward the opposite direction of her intended destination, she found herself sitting down again, her arms hugging her legs. What will I say to my family?

She again stood up and had a serious face.
Why did I ran away from that life ? Niao Niao , you know what will happen. My A'mu will never let me in peace . That's why I ran away. Let's say I somehow endure it. What about those insults on regular basis and being called as vulgar ? Let's say , I somehow avoid them as well. How will I avoid him? I know ...I can't -

She took a deep breath .

To avoid all of these , I ran away .
No ! I won't go back . But I know where to go now when I know what the future holds for me .

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