Chapter -2

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Why can't I remember the last moments? What was the last thing I remember ? It is hurting my head to remember that . My body is still weak .....I can feel myself burning up from that fever. .......What should I do when I return?When I meet my parents ? I..I...I don't know . It is hurting everywhere !! Right ! Mother doesn't love me . She doesn't like my unruly and stubborn behaviour. And I have lost that part of myself long ago . I know she hates the real me . I don't want to fight with her . I won't do anything . Even if I behave like a lady ...she will still show no affection for me .... I'd rather stay silent and stay in the background .

Shaoshang's carriage stopped. They have finally reached Cheng's Residence .

Housemaid Li couldn't even wait for the carriage to stop . She jumped as the carriage stopped, barely handling her big structure. She rushed into the house, grabbing her skirt . She wanted Shaoshang to be punished strictly . As she stepped into the courtyard , she shouted,"Madam!!! Madam!!Something happened Madam..!!!" she stopped to gather some air and then continued,"Madam..!! Something Happened.....!!!!!!The parentless and uncultured fourth lady tried to sabotage..." She couldn't complete her sentence as Old Madam Cheng and Madam Ge rushed outside to stop her .

"Who did you call parentless and uncultured ?" a voice came from inside.

"Ofcourse,....that Shaos..." she was interrupted as she looked at the raging Shaoshang's mother ,Yuanyi.

She fainted after looking at her parents.

Shaoshang was taking her sweet time getting off of the carriage . She had stopped Lian Fang from begging for help in front of her parents. She doesn't want to play any tricks anymore. And why should she ... she knows what her mother will do either way?

"Help me ....." Shaoshang said to Lian Fang.

"Young Lady , we should have gone to your parents to tell the truth" she said as she helped her get off.

"No need"

She will be using me to get control over her in -laws. No matter what I do, she won't take my side. I just want to live a quiet life . Even if it was a dream .....they still abandoned me . THEY STILL LEFT ME. I am already in pain ...because of that reality or dream or whatsoever . Should I check? If things went in the same way... Maybe she'll be different. NO! NO! Everything has happened the same till now though...... I really don't want to play any tricks or argue with anyone! I am done .

Shaoshang, with slow and weak steps, entered the courtyard . She saw her parents who were looking at each other after they heard Housemaid Li's insulting remarks.

"A'fu ....A'mu.." Shaoshang said in a weak and said voice. She was in extreme pain because of that dream and her fever. She was standing only because of her maid's support. She would fall if Liang Fang removed her support for even a second .

Shaoshang was in rags . Her clothes were almost two sizes larger . They were shabby and shaded. Some parts of the gown were even thorn. The dresses of the maids around her were much more sophisticated and decent than hers. If someone didn't know about Shaoshang , they would consider her a homeless person .

Her parents were torn from inside at the sight of her . They clearly saw that maids looked better than their daughter.They could clearly see the weak structure of their only daughter.

Something was different for Shaoshang though. She didn't know about love or affection before. But now she could clearly see the pain , regret , guilt in her parents' eyes.

"You are finally back," Shaoshang finally said after catching her breath .

"Niao Niao ", both her parents said at the same time, and rushed towards her worriedly .

What is this? Why am I feeling so sad? I know what is going to happen now? Why do I feel like crying ? I could see in their eyes....they ...they do regret it.!!

She couldn't control herself anymore . She felt her eyes getting watery .

She took her hand from her maid and took a few weak steps towards her father .

She hugs him and starts crying. "A'fu....A'fu" she screamed and cried . Tears were streaming down her eyes .....She was crying about everything that had happened to her ... She couldn't control herself . Her father was in anguish . His only daughter was in such a plight . As he hugged and tried to comfort her ...he felt her weak structure . There were no muscles , he could feel the bones of his 15-year-old daughter .

" PLEASEE !! DON'T DIE .. PLEASE DON'T DIEEE", a faint memory appears in front of Shaoshang .

She gets scared and tries to free herself from the hug . She was weak ...her body couldn't take on this much . She faints and her body hits the ground .

"SOMEONE CALL THE PHYSICIAN" her father shouted as

He picked up Shaoshang and rushed to her room.

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