Chapter -3

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Shaoshang observed the events unfolding around her with half-shut eyes, lacking the energy to fully open them. Despite her weakened state, she could hear everything happening nearby.

"Where is her room?" someone asked.
"On the second floor," another person replied.
"Someone call the physician... HURRY!"

Her father sat close by, while her mother stood at a distance. Liang Fang, positioned near her headrest, sat on the ground. Old Madam Cheng and Madam Ge remained further away, their disinterested expressions clearly evident.

A doctor entered the room, accompanied by a maid servant.

The physician assessed her pulse and examined her eyes. He then requested her to show her trembling palms. After his examination, he asked Shaoshang, "Miss Cheng, can you hear me clearly?"

She nodded. He proceeded to inquire, "When did you last eat?"

Shaoshang couldn't grasp what had happened to her. At that moment, her concern was not about what she had eaten.

"They gave us nothing to eat for the past month. The young lady survived solely on some fruits and water," Liang Fang tearfully explained to her father and the doctor.

Shaoshang's parents were thrilled to hear this revelation. However, before they could respond, Madam Ge interrupted them with an arrogant reply, "She almost killed her cousin. We sent her to the countryside to reflect on her actions."

"My son... Do you think I would try to kill your daughter?" Old Madam Cheng cried out and continued, "Someone kill me... Someone kill me... My son thinks I will kill his daughter." She fell to the ground, demonstrating her desperation, and continued crying.
Madam Ge seized the opportunity and joined her mother-in-law on the ground, offering comfort. "We have been taking care of her since you left... But she doesn't listen to anyone."

Shaoshang's half-closed eyes remained fixed on her mother, who simply stood there.

Still, she won't take my side. What mother needs a reason to defend her own child? She couldn't even say something, anything, after seeing her daughter's condition. I was right. No matter what I do, she won't care.

Feeling utterly disappointed, Shaoshang fully closed her eyes.

The physician turned towards the family members and stated, "She is barely alive. If no one had attended to her, she would have died in less than a week. This young lady's eyes are pale, and her hands are trembling even though she is lying in bed. Her weak immune system and frail body worsen her condition. Additionally, she is holding onto some pain that exacerbates her condition."

He provided a detailed account of her health, prescribing specific potions, herbs, and medications. Once everything was clarified, he stood up, and Cheng Shi ordered Liang Fang to escort the physician out.

Observing Shaoshang resting, everyone else also departed.

After a few minutes, Shaoshang opened her eyes and surveyed the room.

And I thought my parents would be different. I didn't even act this time, and the physician told them everything, yet nothing changed. I was foolish to hope for a change in my mother's behavior... I still don't... I... I don't know if it was real or not. Every moment feels real to me. This pain in my body will kill me. He said my hands are trembling.

Her gaze fixed upon the ceiling. Simultaneously, she raised both arms to examine them, stretching weakly toward the ceiling. In the process, her sleeves rolled up, revealing a mark on her right arm.

Her eyes widened at the sight of that mark. With all the strength she could muster, she immediately sat up on the bed and began examining it.


The mark wasn't very noticeable. It showed signs of healing, as if someone had applied ointment to help it recover. There was one tooth mark, while the rest was faintly visible. Close inspection would easily reveal what it was, but from a distance, it remained concealed.

She began coughing, and her maid servant, who was standing outside, rushed into the room.

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