Chapter -9

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"Jeijyah," a little girl asked Shaoshang, "How do you know all this?"

Shaoshang held a hammer in her hand and was building something. "When you become as tall as me, you will also learn all this."

They both laughed.

"Jeijyah, do you really have to go? The last two weeks were so much fun being with you," the little girl asked.

"I have to, but I will return soon," Shaoshang said as she thumped the wood for the last time.

Shaoshang completed her work, and the time spent here had convinced her that returning home was necessary. She also recalled more details from the future, particularly the lantern day. If she arrived in time, she could save He Zhaojun and assist Zisheng in his quest for revenge.

It was time to bid farewell to her newfound freedom. She needed to return to that toxic environment, but she had also acquired new skills. She remembered all the training sessions with Zisheng, becoming proficient in sword fighting, archery, and even surpassing Zisheng in horse riding. The war and weaponry tricks he would learn in the future, she already possessed. The burden of these memories was also unbearable at times. There was something else she had discovered; if she saw the face of someone she knew from the future or a dream, she instantly remembered everything about them, though retaining those memories proved difficult.

As she bid farewell to the family who had been so hospitable to her, she said, "There may be a possibility you'll see me again. Please act as if you had never known me when the time comes." Shaoshang bowed to the man and set off on her journey on foot.

Everyone insisted she have a carriage or at least a horse, but she adamantly declined. She also began eating less and less as the day before her return arrived, wanting to appear sick and as though she had been suffering.


After traveling, she finally reached her destination. "It's time to go back home," she thought as she entered a poorly built hut. Meanwhile, she spread a rumor that a lady had been living alone in the countryside as a form of punishment. She only needed to wait for it to reach the right ears.

Back in the Cheng residence, Shaoshang's uncles and brothers were searching for her. Cheng Shi and Yuanyi were in the capital, keeping up appearances. They refrained from holding any ceremonies for their arrival, citing their concern for their gravely ill daughter.

"Shaoshang is in the countryside!" Shaogong rushed inside the house, alerting his uncles.

Shaoshang was discovered in the countryside house by her family, and her pallor sent shockwaves through them. News of her discovery had also reached the capital, catching the attention of someone else who had a spy network within her house. To their astonishment, even with such an extensive spy network, they couldn't locate Shaoshang. It was as if she had vanished from under the sky.

"Young Master, the fourth lady of the Cheng residence has been found in the same countryside where we first spotted her," A'fei reported to Ling Buyi.

Ling Buyi, in the midst of reading something, perked up at the news.

"Young Master, how is it possible that our spies couldn't locate Lady Cheng?" A'qi questioned.

The situation was undeniably suspicious, but Ling Buyi couldn't help but find it amusing that Cheng Shaoshang was more capable than he had initially thought. It was he who had taught her how to disappear without a trace.



"Why was she in the countryside?" Xiao Yuan Yi asked.

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