Chapter -14

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"The most amazing things that can happen to a human being will happen to you if you just lower your expectations "- Phil Dunphy ❤️‍🩹


Recap - Shaoshang was able to steal the map but had a rough encounter with Ling Buyi. During that moment, she dropped her precious dagger . Ling Buyi, on reaching a room finds Shaoshang there . She lies her way out of the situation.



Ling Buyi, lying on the cold floor, tasted his first defeat. He watched the soon-to-be-dead person running away with the map. Rolling onto his back, he closed his eyes, soaking in the pain. The night was toe-curling cold, but a fire, a havoc, was brewing inside him.

He stood up instantly, ignoring the excruciating pain from his injuries. His mind solely focused on the gruesome ways of awarding death to that lowlife.

He sheathed his sword as his gaze followed the faint mud trail left by the thief. His subordinates came rushing and stood in front of him. They looked at each other, trying to understand their general's expressions.



"He will try to escape. A'fei, inform the general, and A'Qi, cut his way from the opposite side. GO!" I said through my gritted teeth.

They both immediately went away.

"I AM GOING TO SKIN THIS BASTARD ALIVE," I said and followed the little mud trail left by that lowlife. He really had the guts to stab me... I will pull out that gut and make him bleed till his last breath.

Following the trail, guessing it will lead to a secluded place. His confident steps were clearly evident of his familiarity with the house. He must have lived here when we searched for him in the whole capital.

This person gets more twisted day by day. The dangerous part is he knows what I am looking for, and he precisely knows!

It wasn't a secluded place but a living quarter. He wasn't a fool to cover such a long distance to come here instead of hopping off a wall. There are only two possibilities; he is inside or the one helping him lives inside.

I slid open the door, and the first thing I saw was a person sitting down. My grip on my sword tightened as I walked inside.

"Don't kill me, please! Don't kill me!"

A female cried, and her voice seemed familiar. I slowly took my step, examining the room. There was no one.

I ran to her and crouched down, only to find her.

"Cheng Shaoshang? Why her?"

It was already decided the person inside is somehow involved in this whole robbery. But her relevance in this didn't seem apt.

She was shivering and kept her eyes closed. It was quite out of place, as she was covered in a comforter. She slightly opened her eyes but immediately shut them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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