Chapter -13

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🤸 AUTHOR'S NOTE - ❤️Re Edited ❤️

The text written in the following manner depicts -

1. 💭💭 ------------💭💭 : Shaoshang's memories from dream .

I know it's highly mature of me to add clouds for dreams.

2. ** I am Iron man  ** :  This is the author's pov / Third person narrative. 

3. " Bold and Italics" : Internal Dialogues or Joe Goldberg style . 🙂

🤸I need to explain all this simply means I horribly went wrong in my way of explanation. 🙂

That's my editor's fault, you know . The editor wanted to have 8 hours of sleep , like such a thing even exists. Delulu person. 

Extremely sorry for the bad writing style. I will  try my best to improve the narrative and make things more clear .


Shaoshang returned home after the celebration. She was quite frustrated even though everything worked out. But still, things were different for her.



I sat in front of my table and slammed the scroll on the table that was in my hand.

"SO EVERYONE'S FATE CAN CHANGE, BUT NOT MINE! How is that even fair?" I said in a frustrated voice.

Yang Yang didn't fall into the lake, and... Yao. I asked him to stand up for himself and not break his engagement.

Suddenly, I heard someone sliding the door. I looked up to see my mother entering with a bowl in her hand. I don't know, but she is behaving somewhat differently.

"Is that concern on her face?" I thought.

She walked towards me and sat in front of me, placing the bowl on the table. This awkward silence was suffocating. I have never been alone with her after our last talk.

"Drink this," she said, breaking the silence.

I would have questioned, but that only means I had to talk. I simply picked up the bowl and took a sip. It was extremely bitter, and I started coughing.

She immediately took the bowl and moved towards me, rubbing my back. I looked at her with moist eyes. "What kind of sick play is it now?" I thought.

"I am fine," I said after I regained my composure. She stood up, and before leaving she said, "Drink it."

I nodded, and she left.

I looked back at the bitter poison, and my eyes widened with shock. "Did she just leave these maltose candies for me?" I thought.

"What are you trying to do, A'mu?"

Shaoshang's Pov Ends


Madam Xiao was observing Shaoshang and her actions. Shaoshang won't question nor deny anything her mother asked. At the celebration when she was looking at Niao Niao, smiling, she felt content. But the moment Shaoshang looked at her mother, her smile faded. Her mother actually won by straightening out Shaoshang's behavior but at the cost of her daughter.

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