Chapter -4

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Liang Fang discovered Shaoshang coughing incessantly. She offered her water, and it took Shaoshang a few seconds to recover.

"Young Lady! Young Lady! Are you okay?" Liang Fang asked.
"I am fine," Shaoshang replied.

Shaoshang was burning with fever and had forgotten that General Ling would be visiting her house.

"Young Lady... Some soldiers have come to our residence. They are all dressed in black. And the name of the General... is... Li... Lee... yes, yes... General Ling," Liang Fang informed her.

Shaoshang seemed unconcerned by the information. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Liang Fang left the room.

She wasn't sleeping; she was lost in her thoughts.

"I told you, our paths will never meet again. I don't know why I was given a chance to come back... but I will not let this opportunity go to waste. I will live my life according to my will..."

She dozed off.

It was nighttime.

Shaoshang's parents, Madam Ge and Old Madam Cheng, were engaged in a heated conversation about the capture of Uncle Dong.

In Shaoshang's room, her maid servant tried to wake her.

"Young Lady, please get up and drink your medicine," the maid servant pleaded.

Shaoshang had become a light sleeper. She woke up immediately.

Her maid servant was quite shocked but didn't say anything. She helped her settle back onto the bed as she sat up.

Meanwhile, her parents entered her room.

"NIAO NIAO!" her father rushed to her side. Her mother slowly walked in and stood behind her husband.

Shaoshang was holding the bowl of medicine.

"Liang Fang, why were you sent to the countryside?" her mother asked.

She wants to know this. She didn't want to ask about me. I am in the wrong this time... I knew how she was, and I am still expecting something. I... I... Let it go, Shaoshang.

"It was because of me. They sent me to reflect on my wrongdoings, and I had to repent for my mistakes," she continued, turning her gaze towards her father. "A'fu, but they still wronged me all these years. I wasn't given a proper meal in these last 15 years. A slight reply to their wrongdoings... and they sent me to the countryside."

She closed her eyes to hold back her tears. She continued, "A'fu... You can see by my clothes the kind of condition I was in... They didn't even teach me. I cannot read or write. You can go and check if any scrolls belong to me. You can check my wardrobe to see if you can find any dress. And the physician already told you about my condition."

Shaoshang finally said it all. She didn't want justice or sympathy. She cleared everything at once because from this day forward, she was going to play a background role in her own life. She gave her mother an opportunity to seize power. She had done everything. Now there was no need for her to speak or act.

"My dear Niao Niao... we thought Niao Niao would be eating well at home. We didn't expect that she would live worse than the refugees," her father lowered his head.

Her mother intervened and said, "Why would you deliberately open the honey jar?"

Shaoshang wasn't even shocked. She didn't say anything and drank the bowl of potion. "I am feeling tired," Shaoshang said in a low voice.

Her mother narrowed her eyes, noticing how she ignored her question. Her father got up and patted her head. "Alright! Alright! You rest well, Niao Niao."

They left her in the room, and her maid servant also left.

Her mother stood outside the gate with Qingcong. "I am worried that since I've left her alone for over a decade, I can no longer mold her. I can only be strict with her and try my best to straighten her out."


(At Magistrate Prison)

"I ordered you to keep an eye on the Cheng family," General Ling asked A'fei.

"They are a complete mess because of all the women, especially Madam Ge. She is furious with the Fourth Lady," A'fei said.

A'Qi entered the room, cleared her throat, and said, "There is nothing unusual going on there."

A black-armored soldier appeared at the door, holding something. "General, a servant of the Fourth Young Lady of Cheng sent you this."

A'Qi took it and handed it to the General.

Later, they raided the Ge Fabric Store.

"Why did the Fourth Lady send you this?" A'fei asked.
"Maybe she wants us to help her in her escape," A'Qi said.

General Ling said, "Why would we help her? She is indeed remarkable."

A'Qi and A'fei looked at each other in confusion.

Earlier that day, Shaoshang had asked her maid servant to deliver it to them.
It needed to happen. I have to send this. I cannot risk my family's safety. And... he also needs it to progress further in his investigation.

At her house, Shaoshang was holding a bowl of medicine, lying on her bed.
"It is bitter," she said after taking a sip. She didn't make any faces or complain.

Her parents entered her room.

Her father sat near her, and her mother, as usual, stood at a distance.

"Why haven't you drunk this?" her mother questioned.
"It is bitter," she replied.
"Don't worry, Niao Niao! I will add some maltose to it," her father said.
"Don't! She should be able to drink this," her mother insisted.

Shaoshang, without saying anything, drank it.

A crying voice interrupted them. Her parents rushed outside.

Shaoshang knew what was happening outside, but she was least interested. She lay back down on her bed, ready to sleep.

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