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"Niao Niao, look at this one," Shaogong exclaimed, presenting her with a riddle game.

With the boundless energy of youth, Shaoshang hopped over and nestled beside her twin brother.

"In the future, if you ever need anything, just tell me," Song offered, meandering around her room. His gaze soon landed on the study table.

"Niao Niao, is this yours?" Cheng Song asked, a trace of astonishment in his voice.

"Hmmm..." Shaoshang murmured in acknowledgment. In that moment, all the pain she had ever experienced melted away. This simple act of kindness was enough for her – being surrounded by people who genuinely cared.

Shaogong rose and joined his brother in examining the table. The two siblings exchanged incredulous glances before turning their gaze back to their sister, who was blissfully lost in the moment.

"How did she survive in this environment?" Shaogong whispered to his brother.

"Imagine how alone she must have felt. A simple toy brought her so much joy!" Song remarked, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I spoke with Lian Fang. Niao Niao never had anything to play with," Shaogong shared, his tone tinged with sorrow.

"Niao Niao, come here. You can play with these for as long as you like later," Song said, his warmth evident.

Shaoshang abandoned the riddle game and approached her brothers. Overwhelmed with happiness, she had no inkling of what was about to transpire.

"Is this your table?" Song inquired.

Niao Niao nodded.

"It's a child's table. Why are you using it?" Shaogong questioned.

"This used to be Cousin Sister's table. I've always had it," Shaoshang explained.

"Elder Brother gave me his table. It's yours now," Shaogong declared.

Standing there, Shaoshang had a nagging feeling that she was missing something significant.

Am I forgetting something? It feels like I am forgetting something.

"Lian Fang, go and bring the table to Niao Niao's room," Shaogong instructed.

Niao Niao was engrossed in her puzzles, not paying much attention to their conversation.

Time passed, and Lian Fang had not returned. Song grew concerned and said, "Why is she taking so long? Niao Niao, pause your game for a moment."

Shaoshang paused her play and looked at her elder brother, inquiring, "What's wrong, Elder Brother?"

"Lian Fang is taking an awfully long time. Perhaps she's slacking off somewhere," Song remarked, his concern deepening.

"She's not like that. I'm sure she'll be back soon. The table might be heavy, Elder Brother," Shaoshang reassured him.

Just then, a servant entered the room.

"Young Masters and Young Lady, Madam has summoned all of you to the main hall," the servant announced.

Shaoshang sighed, wondering what she might have done this time, as she rose from her seat.

Jiuzhui Hall

"A'mu, I gave Niao Niao a writing desk with a Qilin's head on it. Elder brother gave it to me. Mother, you've seen it before," Shaogong explained.

"Qilin's head!" Yang Yang's head maidservant exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I've made a grave mistake. That desk surely belongs to the young master. But... why was it at our place?" She stopped, realizing the tension she was causing, and continued, "Unless Lian Fang deliberately took the writing desk to show off in front of our Young Lady."

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