Chapter 6

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"So where's your dad?", Jamar asked looking around.
"He's gone for the night."
He smiled.
"So you really have the whole house to yourself?"
"Yep", I replied.
He pulled me close.
"What exactly did you have in mind for tonight Maya?", he whispered into my ear.
I touched his face.
"A little something called payback."
He picked me up and carried me upstairs.
There he put me on my bed.
"That's funny. Because I had the exact same idea", he replied.
He kissed me softly. I grabbed his face. I loved how hairy he was. It really showed his manly features.
"I want to be yours", I whispered.
He took my shirt off and began kissing my neck. I felt like I was in a fairytale. None of this was real. Except every part of it was. We kissed as he took his shirt off.
"You already are", he whispered back.
We lay there in a deep passionate kiss. As Jamar attempts to go further we hear loud shots outside of my window.
We break apart and hide behind my bed.
"What was that?!", I said.
"I don't know. Sounds like gun shots."
We scooted closer to the back of my room.
"It sounds like it came from next door", I said.
A couple seconds later we hear sirens.
"That's the police", I said.
We slowly looked outside.
There was a tall masked man in the middle of the road.
"Where is Malik?!", he shouted.
Jamar's eyes grew big.
"What's wrong?", I asked him.
"Malik is my friend. He helped me rob the bank two days ago."
"Yeah, looks like he owes this dude someone money or something."
"Well he's obviously not here", I replied.
"You're right. But he's somewhere close. Otherwise he wouldn't be in this neighborhood."
Jamar put his shirt on and walked out the room.
I ran behind him.
"Wait, Jamar where are you going?", I asked.
"I'm going to find Malik."
"But...but you can't go out there", I replied.
He looked at me.
"If that were me he were looking for, Malik would be doing the same thing for me. We're like brothers Maya", he said grabbing his coat.
"Jamar! Jamar!"
He was gone.
I stood their helpless. How could he just leave like that? I mean we didn't even get to show how much we loved each other. I peeped out my window. Jamar was no where in sight.
"Great. Just great", I thought.
Even though I was mad, I could not allow myself to get too upset. Jamar did say Malik was his friend. More like a brother. Perhaps the way they take risks for each other is not much different from how me and Naomi took risks for each other. Even though I've already betrayed her and took her man, I still cared about her. Despite the anger and jealousy and wanted to get revenge on her, you can't take away six years of love, struggle, and hate. It just isn't possible. I liked Jamar and I was certain that he liked me too. Which is why I would take the ultimate risk to be with him. Even if he was still with Naomi. I had the upper hand. I had what Naomi didn't. I had strategy. If you don't have that, you don't have anything. And you definitely don't have a Jamar.

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