Chapter 14

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"Hey, I need to see Tonya Poole", I said.
"Ok, give me one second."
She copied out some papers for me to fill out.
"Here you go", she said.
I took a seat and filled out the paperwork. I was a little nervous. I haven't seen my mom in person in over two years. I couldn't imagine how she looked. Hopefully she wouldn't be too surprised to see me.
"There you go", I said hanging her the papers.
"Thank you. Right this way."
She lead me through the double doors into a hallway. Every room was filled with a patient. It kinda scared me how so many people can be sick at once.
"Ok, here it is. Mrs. Tonya Poole's room."
I thanked her and went inside.
My mom was lying down quietly.
"Hey mom."
She looked up and raised her head.
"Yeah it's me."
She coughed and sat up.
"What are you doing here?", she asked.
"I need to talk to you. And I thought, why not in person, since last time we talked was over phone", I replied.
She gave me a devious smile.
"Have a seat."
I sighed.
"So what do you need to talk to me about?"
"Well, yesterday we found out that someone vandalized my dad's car."
Her eyes grew big.
"Yeah and he's actually paying people money to help him found out who it was", I replied.
She scoffed.
"He sounds more desperate that a camel for water on a hot day."
I nodded.
"Yeah, but I called Naomi this morning."
"Yeah and she thought I was accusing her", I continued.
My mom looked at me sideways.
"Do you think she could've done it?"
"I don't know. Maybe", I replied.
"Mhmm, that's interesting. I'm assuming you two aren't on the same page right now."
"No, I hate her."
"Hate is such a strong word Maya", she replied.
"I know, but the night I saw her and Jamar, she found me crying and acting as if she came from downtown, knowing good well she was with him."
She laughed.
"A love triangle I see."
"Maybe, but she crossed the line when she pushed my buttons", I replied irritated.
"How so?"
"She called me a fake friend and taunted me on purpose."
"Whoa, she's asking to get put in a casket isn't she?", my mom replied.
"Yeah, but what she doesn't know is that I got the prize. I have Jamar."
"Good for you."
I smirked.
"Eh, it wasn't that hard. I knew he didn't want her when I first met him", I replied.
"Well then let me ask you this."
I narrowed my eyes.
"What if she does know, and she's planning to get revenge on you?"
"Please, she definitely doesn't know. And besides me and Jamar have already had sex. He broke up with her that morning", I replied.
My mom reached over to her table and grabbed a cup and showed me the inside.
"What is that? Your drink from earlier?", I asked.
"No it's not mine."
"Yeah it is."
"No it's not", she replied.
"Mom, that cup was literally on your table, in your room. Who else could've drank it?", I asked.
"I don't know."
"You drank it."
"How do you know that?", she asked.
"Because it's in your room."
"Just because it's in my room, doesn't mean I drank it", she replied.
I began to understand where she was getting at.
"Yeah, you didn't see me drank this drink. You just assumed it was mine just because it was on my table", my mom replied.
"Fine. I get it."
"Alright. Then let that be a lesson."
"A lesson?", I asked.
"Yes. You can't assume without knowing the facts. Just like with Naomi. You aren't physically at her house 24/7 so you don't know what she's been doing. She could've been at home. Or she could've been watching you this whole time."
I felt sweat rolling down my face. My mom had me right there.
"So, you're saying she could've been watching me and Jamar?", I asked.
"That snake."
"But don't get so focused on her that you forget your goal", she replied.
"You're right. I need to keep Jamar."
"And you need to put a stop to whatever Naomi is planning to do", she said.
"But how?"
"Maya, if she's gotten to the point where she pushes you over the edge, that's an automatic sign that she's no good."
"There's no buts. Naomi is not your friend anymore. She's your enemy."
"I just don't know what it's going to take to stop her", I replied.
"You start with what you have."
"With what I have?"
"Yes. You have Jamar don't you?", she asked.
"Then use him to help you take her down."
"But that would be wrong", I replied.
"Ha! Wrong? Maya the man is a criminal. Whatever he does is wrong."
She did have a point.
"Ok, so I get Jamar to help me take her down. And then it will just be me and him?", I asked.
"You're missing a step."
"You can't just get straight to the enemy. You have to destroy what's in front of them first", she replied.
"Like their hitman or something?"
"But mom, how do you know if she has someone helping her?", I asked.
She leaned closer.
"Because I saw them", she whispered.
I felt my skin crawl.
"Yes, he's a black male with a gray t-shirt and a bear mask", she replied.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She saw someone who could possibly be helping Naomi?
"Wait, but-"
"I had a dream Maya, and I saw him", she replied.
I was in complete shock. A dream? Why was she having a dream about a guy with a bear mask?
"Was he with her?", I asked.
"Mom you've gotta be playing with me."
"I'm not. I know what I saw", she replied.
I started breathing heavy.
She grabbed my hand.
"Maya, she's dangerous."
"I know", I replied.
"I need you to stop her before she hurts you and your father."
I nodded.
"I will."
She laid back down and closed her eyes. She was sicker than ever.
I quietly got up and walked out the room.
I took a deep breathe.
"Naomi, you're mine."

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