Chapter 13

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"So you think I did it?", Naomi asked.
"I didn't say that."
"Well that's what it sounds like to me", Naomi argued.
I signed.
"Naomi, all I'm saying is that someone vandalized my dad's car last night and we're trying to find out who did it."
"Then call the police", she replied.
"We did, they didn't help."
"Then I don't know what to tell you Maya."
"Why are you being like this?", I asked.
"Because I can care less about your dad's car."
I felt my skin starting to boil.
"You know what? Never mind, I don't need your help", I replied.
"Ok, whatever."
As I was about to hang up, Naomi stopped me.
"Don't call me again Maya", she said.
"Yeah, I won't."
We ended the call.
I could not believe her. After all these years, she hasn't changed. She was still the same annoying person I decided to give my loyalty too. Even thinking about it makes my sick to my stomach. No wonder Jamar didn't want her. She wasn't a match for him. But I was. I couldn't lie, I had a lot. Long natural hair, a perfect bod and pretty face with a kind heart. Naomi was skinnier than me with medium curly hair and a bad attitude. And to be honest, I don't think she ever wanted Jamar for who he was. I believe she only wanted him for what he had to offer. What a tramp.
In the middle of my thoughts my dad walked in.
"Hey Maya", he said.
"Hey dad."
"I know you're probably busy but I just wanted to let you know I got a lead on the person who vandalized my car.
My eyes grew big.
"Wait what?"
"The suspect", he replied.
"What...Dad I'm confused. We just found out yesterday. How do you have a lead already?"
"I got connections", he said proudly.
"Oh lord."
"Dad please don't tell me you've been talking to people to help you out", I said.
He looked out the window.
"Ok...ok, I've been paying a couple of people to help look for the person who did it", he replied.
I sighed.
"Why are you getting involved with different people?"
"I don't see how that's any of your business Maya", he said.
"It is my business. I use that car too and you don't see me out here making stupid connections."
He rolled his eyes.
"Maya, this is my only car. My only way back and forth to work."
"I get that Dad, but making deals with people you don't know can be dangerous", I replied.
"It'll be fine. They can do background checks."
I looked at the ceiling. Is he serious?Background checks? Oh no.
"Dad you're literally insane", I replied.
"If that's how you see it then fine. But I'm finding out who vandalized my car."
He got his phone out and told me he'd be back later.
"Where are you going?"
"Out, Maya", he said walking out the door.
"You can't be serious."
"I'm so serious", he replied.
And just like that he was gone. How can a man be so self-absorbed? I mean he can't even see how this affects me. And I'm not going to lie, that kinda hurt. It was like he didn't care about what he was getting into to. And that worried me. He was making connections with people he doesn't even know. And that's one thing I've learned from my mom. You can't trust anyone, because at the end of the day, it's just you. And I stood on that. Even though he was my dad, I couldn't put my faith in him because he might fail me. It's sad but it's true. And I knew I needed to stop him but I couldn't shake any sense into him. I could only hope he knew what he was doing. Because I certainly did.

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