♡ best friend ♡

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akito had a crush on his best friend, toya for such a long time. they knew each other since they were little but akito only started noticing his feelings towards him in the past year.

he wasnt so sure if toya liked him back, and even if he did, he was very scared of their friendship getting ruined. what if they broke up afterwards? he wanted to be with toya forever, not to just date him.


toya was working on a school project on his desk until he suddenly fell asleep from the amount of exhaustion. just as he was about to enter the deep sleeping state, his phone rang. he murmured to himself "who is it this late at night?"

it was akito.

he quickly cleared his throat as he saw akitos name on the screen and picked it up.

"what took you so long to pick up?"

"what type of question is that, aki? its literally 4 am...also, the real question is, why are you awake this late?"

"i miss you."

toya's eyes widened and his face got into a light shade of pink as he heard those words.

"aki, go to sleep."

"please, toya, i need you right now."


toya sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"can you please come over? i just want to see you."

he sighed, having no other choice. "fine. i dont get why youre so clingy though. you really are a different person at night." he chuckled to himself as he hung up the phone. he didnt bother to change his clothes, he just picked up a hoodie and wore it over his shirt.

he quietly opened his window and jumped out, hoping his father wouldnt hear. their houses were just 5 minutes apart so it wasnt a long way.

he went up to akitos window and texted him.


im here
04.12 a.m.


akito quickly got up as he saw his text and opened the window. toya got in and as soon as he did, akito wrapped his arms around his back tightly.

toya was left speechless at his sudden action and softly hugged him back.

"whats up with you today, aki?"

"i..dont know...i just miss you so much..."

toya sighed as he was blushing. "this is so stupid. you were going to see me in a couple hours anyways."

"i didnt want to wait..."

toya was very surprised at his words. "you know, im going to make fun of you all day for your behavior. its so funny to see you so clingy." he blushed to himself as he let those words escape his mouth. "i have to admit that its pretty cute though."
he smiled as he went up to akitos bed and laid down.
"do you wanna maybe listen to some music? it could help you sleep"

"hmm..thats sounds good."

akito opened spotify and went through his playlists. he was in a tired mood. he decided to play "old friend" by mitski because the song always helped him feel safe.

"you listen to mitski, aki?"

"mmmm..not all the time, but i like her music. its calming."

"hmmm..thats kind of unexpected. you dont seem like the type who would listen to her."

"i dont listen to her all the time, stupid. just when i feel the need to."

he smiles as he nods at his response.

as they were keeping on listening to some music, mostly mac de marco and mitski, suddenly akito's fingers touched toya's. it happened by accident but toya decided to hold his hand. he locked his hands on his and stared into his eyes deeply. akito blushed crazily at his action, not knowing what to say.

akito slowly leaned in and hugged toya slowly as he ran his fingers through his hair. they didnt know how it happened but there they were, cuddling.

toya could feel akitos warm breath on his neck. it just made him want to get closer to him. he leaned in even closer, leaving less than a centimeter between their faces. he stared at akitos lips and stared back at his eyes again.

"i love you."

akito's eyes widened as he heard those words.

"y-you do?"

"yes aki, ive been in love with you. for such a long time. i just..didnt know how to tell you about it. i didnt want to ruin our friendship...i still dont want to...i know that you only see me as a friend, but i-"

his words were cut off as akito pressed his lips softly on toya's.

toya's eyes widened as he felt akitos lips on his, but he quickly kissed him back. they both didnt want to ever let go of each other, they just wanted to stay like that forever. akito was hugging him from the back of his neck and toya was holding his waist. after a short while, they pulled away as they were out of breath.

"i...i love you too. i really do. i know im not good at showing my feelings, but when it comes to you, its just different.. i suddenly get so emotional.."

toya smiles at him as he hugs him.

"its okay, aki, i know you better than anyone. i know that youre trying your best to show your affection, and honestly, im so proud of you for that. even if youre not the best at showing your love, i know that you're trying. and i really appreciate you. i love you as the way you are."

akito hugged him even tighter as he heard those words.

"so..will you be my boyfriend, toya?"

toya smiled at him gently and nodded.

"of course, aki. im yours and you're mine. nothing can tear us apart."

akito kissed him on the lips once more as his face heated up.
they stared into each others eyes, smiling and giggling. they were both so happy to be with each other. they eventually fell asleep as they were cuddling.


word count: 1003

A/N: this is the first oneshot i properly wrote in my life, hope yall like it <3 make sure to drink water and take care!!

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