♡ busy day ♡

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"almost done here. we just need to fix your makeup a bit."

akito nodded at the stylist as he kept his eyes on his phone. it was a busy day for vivid bad squad. they had an interview and a concert to attend. the group's popularity was increasing more and more every day ever since BAD DOGS's unreleased songs got leaked, which led their company on focusing more on toya and akito. fans were impressed by the unreleased songs, but also confused. they wouldn't stop comments, asking if toya and akito are dating. they were used to it by now. neither akito or toya were annoyed or surprised at their fans for shipping them, honestly. a lot of unreleased BAD DOGS songs were about love, where a guy likes another guy. it was natural for them to think that way, and they weren't wrong either. they've been dating for years in secret, only an and kohane knowing about it. they didn't want to have a public explanation about it because they were afraid of the reaction. they both really wanted to, but their company wouldn't allow it. their company have been using toya and akito ever since the songs got leaked, focusing on them more. they were trying to queerbait so they could make some more couple millions of money. it made akito's blood boil - he just wanted to be with toya. secretly, with no people bugging them about it.

he just wished he was as brave as an. her and kohane were in a similar situation for the last couple of years, and she seemed like she didnt care one bit. deep down, akito knew how stressed she was feeling about it and was trying to comfort her but it wasn't working much. she just faked some confidence and it worked on the fans but the band knew how she truly felt. akito wished he could be as professional as her.

"is everyone ready?"

vivid bad squad nodded as they checked themself on the mirror.

"time to enter, then."

they smiled as they got in the studio, everyone clapping and cheering them. they sat on their seats while they smiled and waited for the interviewer.

"good afternoon everyone! today, we have our very special guests here. vivid bad squad!"

fans cheered loudly. the interviewer started asking the questions. they were the usual questions they got asked in past interviews by other companies. akito was feeling a bit nervous as he looked at toya and they smiled at each other.

"thank you for answering our questions, shiraishi and azusawa! now now, lets talk about BAD DOGS!"

akito and toya nodded as they smiled.

"so, shinonome. you and your best friend aoyagi have been in the spotlight for a while now. what are your thoughts on this?"

akito smiled as he brought the microphone closer to his mouth. "we're really grateful for our fans supporting our work as BAD DOGS. we were planning to release those songs for a while now, so it made us sad that they got leaked. me and toya like to work together as a group rather than as bad dogs."

"thanks for answering our question. aoyagi, your fandom has noticed that you and shinonome are wearing matching rings. what is the reason behind that? are you perhaps more than friends with him?"

toya cleared his throat as he nodded. "me and akito's friendship is very special. we like to wear matching clothes and jewelry. we bought these together when we were just in highschool as our music career started. we always had dreams of wearing them in a concert some day." he smiled.

the interviewer asked them a couple more questions before ending the interview.

"thats all for tonight. make sure to visit vivid bad squad's concert that will be held in tokyo tonight - they'll be performing the BAD DOGS songs everyones been looking forward to!"

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