♡ sick day home ♡

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akito was going to school by himself for the past week. normally, toya would always go with him but he had gotten a cold. akito missed him deeply so he decided to pay him a visit after school.

he tried to contact toya beforehand but his phone wasnt available and he got a little worried. he just hoped that toyas dad wouldnt get mad.

as he arrived to the aoyagi family's house, he knocked the door nervously. a lady dressed in a suit welcomed him. "hello, how can i help you?"

akito cleared his throat. it was the first time he was visiting toya's house even though they have known each other for so long.
"uh..good afternoon, miss. i was going to ask if i could see toya?"

the woman raised an eyebrow. "im afraid mr. aoyagi doesnt feel very well right now. if you want to, you can tell me what you want to say to him and i could let him know."

akito looked down. "well, i have some things to give to him. i brought him the notes from the classes he missed and some fruits." his face got into a light shade of pink.

the lady smiled at him softly as she nodded. "thats very nice of you. thank you, i will give these to mr aoyagi."

akito nodded back. as he was about to say goodbye and give the bag in his hand to her, he heard a familiar voice behind the lady.

"kana-san, wait!"

the lady turned to her back to see toya running towards the door. he was coughing.

"he's my best friend. let him come in."

"but mr aoyagi, you're sick-"

"its okay. we'll be fine, kana-san. thank you for your concern."

akito smiled brightly as he heard toya's voice.

the lady sighed. "as you wish, mr aoyagi. come in, young man."

toya smiled back at akito as he thanked the lady. he coughed one more time as he lead akito to his bedroom. they both settled on the bed. akito handed the bag to him.

"whats this?"

akito blushed slightly as he looked away. "uhh..the notes from the classes you missed. also some tangerines because i believe theyre good for colds?.."

toya's eyes widened. "you..you actually wrote down notes in class?" he chuckled.

"yeah, stupid. i know you care about them." akito also chuckled, seeing how happy toya was.

toya smiled at him softly. "thank you, akito." he started peeling one of the tangerines as he spoke. "so..whats up?"

akito rolled his eyes. "nothing, really. as much as i hate to admit it, its very boring without you. i have to deal with an rambling about her love for kohane all fucking day.."

toya raised an eyebrow. "huh? an's love for kohane?"

akito rolled his eyes. "yeah. she confessed. theyre together now."

his eyes widened "really? i didnt know."

"you look unhappy about it. are you homophobic?" akito chuckled but he was actually a bit scared.

toya's eyes widened even more at his question. "o-oh, no! of course not. well uh.." he looked away as he was about to say something but he changed his mind last second. "im- im not homophobic, okay?"

akito was confused. "you seem frustrated. are you okay?" he put his hand on toya's forehead to check his fever. "oh no! you're starting to get warmer!" akito got worried. he searched the bag to find some pills so that the fever would go down. he handed some painkillers. "here..take this. i read somewhere that painkillers help the fever go down."

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