☆⁠ experiment ☆⁠

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A/N: requested by AKITOYAISREAL, thank you for the idea (⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠) love youuu!



rui grinned, looking at toya.


toya was embarrassed, checking himself out in the mirror. he..didnt look like himself.

"rui..i just wanted to see what long hair would look like on me.." toya looked away flusteredly. "I didn't ask for you to change my..gender."

before rui could say anything, mizuki came into the room shouting. they looked at toya in shock and grinned.

"oh my god, toya! you look like a bad bitch!" they put their arm around toya. "you'd better not show this to ena. she'll get so pissed if she sees that her brothers boyfriend is prettier than her." they laughed.

toya covered his face with his hands. "change me back to normal, rui.. someone will see me."

rui smiled. "not yet." he pulled mizuki over to his side. "we're leaving nowww~"

"hey...wait!" toya shouted, he tried to run but his heels weren't letting him.

as the door opened, he saw a familiar figure.

mizuki pushed the familiar face into the room and smirked. "the room has no windows and its soundproof. have fun~" they giggled as they locked the door.

akito was standing in shock and blushing. "what?"

toya covered his face with his hands. "this is so embarrassing."

akito looked at toya in shock as he was admiring him. "this feels illegal to look at."

toya chuckled. "im still me, you know? rui just swapped the gender."

akito was too flustered to look at him. toya then stood up and went next to him, whispering into his ear.
"do you mind explaining why you're already hard? what were you thinking about?" he smiled slyly as he stroked his finger on akito's pants.

"toya, dont.."

"aren't you curious?" he smirked.

akito was blushing crazily. "if you tell me to stop when its too late you know that i won't listen to you."

"hmmm..already thinking about that, huh?"

akito's face was completely red. "i warned you." he then pulled toya closer to him and kissed him deeply.

he picked toya up as they were making out, carrying him onto the table. he laid him down as he started taking his shirt off. he whispered into toya's ear. "you look so, so beautiful."

toya smiled as he pulled him in and kissed him again. akito slid his fingers through his shirt as he pulled it off and took toya's bra off. he started kissing his neck and moved onto his breast slowly.

toya's eyes lit up. "ngh...akito..that feels weird..stop it.."

akito smirked as he sucked on his nipples. toya was moaning loudly, holding onto akito's hair.

akito moved lower, undressing toya completely. they kissed as their naked bodies pressed together, getting lost in each other's heat.

akito smiled as he put his fingers in his mouth. he licked them and started rubbing toya's clit.

toya's eyes widened. "don't d-do that! it feels so weird!" he moaned.

he smirked as he slipped a finger in. "you're so warm inside. you'll burn my finger." he chuckled.

toya blushed, talking between moans. "just..just put it in already."

"it wont fit in. i need to loosen you up first." akito slipped one more finger in, moving them gently.

toya covered his mouth with his hand to stop the moans escaping from his lips. as soon as akito saw, he pushed the hand away and kissed him. he whispered into his ear. "don't cover your mouth. i want to hear your voice."

toya moaned softly as he felt akito put two more fingers in. "a-akito....im loose enough...come on..."

he removed his fingers and unzipped his pants. "you've become so impatient. what have i turned you into?" he chuckled as he rubbed himself against toya.

"im going in."

toya nodded. he let out a loud moan as he felt akito enter. he pulled him by his collar and kissed him passionately. akito whispered as he pulled away. "does it hurt?"

"...a little bit. just start moving..ill get used to it."

akito caressed his waist, moving slowly. he whispered in between moans. "you're so tight. i feel like im going to pass out." he moaned, starting to fasten his moves.

toya moaned, locking his hand with akito's. he was thrusting into toya harder and harder every second.


akito was tidying the room while toya was taking a nap on the couch when he heard a knock.

"come in!"

rui barged into the room "heyyy hey~ the fun's over now! lets change him back to normal!" he went over to look at toya who was sleeping. his eyes widened. "no way...did you fuck him until he passed out?"

akito kicked rui's head. "dont go saying those type of stuff out loud!"

"ow! that hurt, you know!"


word count: 820

A/N: HELLLOOOO!!!! im so sorry for not uploading in a long while. first of all, thank you so much for 4k views!!
stuff has happened. i dont know, i just cant find a reason to hang on at this point. i try my best to write new chapters but it gets hard to find the motivation when i cant even find the motivation to stay alive •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
im also thinking about starting a ruikasa oneshot collection. what do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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