☆⁠ bad dogs ☆⁠

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CW: smut

(A/N: this is before vbs started, basically while akito and toya were performing as bad dogs. i wrote this as they were like an extremely popular duo, not just street artists)


the fans were going crazy over bad dogs's performance as always. akito was very happy to see more people engaging with his and toya's music. he felt like it was what connected him and toya, so even if he wanted to quit, he wouldnt because of his feelings towards him.

after their concert, a fan meeting was set up. akito and toya were looking up to it until the fangirls went literally batshit insane. they were trying to hold their hands, hug them and even trying to kiss them. they both felt extremely uncomfortable by this and as the security guards were taking care of the fans, they ran away to the bathroom.

as they felt some of the fans try to follow them, they sprinted even faster and hid into one stall together. sure, it might have been a stupid idea, but it was going to make it less suspicious if only one of the stalls were full. they decided on pretending like it was locked if someone tried knocking on it.

akito whispered under his breath. "they're fucking crazy...i dont want this. i just want to share my music with people. i dont want people acting crazy over us, especially you."

"are you jealous? do you think they'll take me away from you?" toya smirked as he leaned in closer and whispered that into his ear.

akito blushed at his response. "and what if i am?"

toyas eyes widened at his reply. he was just messing around, he didnt expect such a serious reply.

he laughed it off, "are you in love with me or something?"

akito leaned closer to him and pinned him to the wall, staring into his eyes.

"what would you do if i was?"

toya blushed crazily at the ginger's words. "akito, are you being for real right now or are you just messing with me?" he looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"would you be angry at me if i did something?"

toya was trying to understand what he was saying. did he actually have romantic feelings for him?

his face heated up even more as he felt his warm breath on his neck.


akito smirked as he leaned in even closer and pressed his lips against his. toya was shocked by his action, but he quickly kissed him back. the kiss was gentle at first, until toya started licking akito's lips. suddenly, they were kissing very fastly, not being able to catch their breath. akito let their tongues touch and explored toya's mouth.

as akito kept on kissing him, he moved his hands down to toya's pants.

akito pulled away for a second.

"are you okay with me doing this?"

toya was feeling his heart beat faster and faster as he felt his touch down there. he moaned quietly before answering.

"y-yeah...please keep going..."

akito leaned in as he started kissing his neck, leaving hickeys all over the place. toya was letting out soft moans as he got turned on by feeling his lips on his skin.

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