♡ school trip ♡

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A/N: lets pretend that kohane goes to kamiyama. also, kaito is their teacher fyi!!


"hey, get your bags ready everyone!"

students were packing their stuff on the bus along with the sounds of chatting and laughter. all of them were very excited, it was the first time they were going on a week long trip.

"hey, an! wait for meeee!"

kohane was laughing as everyone was getting on the bus, holding onto an's hand. they sat behind akito and toya. they were...surprisingly quiet.

toya sighed. "akito. how long are you planning to ignore me for?"

akito didnt say a word, laying his head on the window as he felt heat on his cheeks.

forever, dumbass. forever. i just kissed you last night and youre telling me to speak to you? arent you mad for me stealing your first kiss? and on top of that, i didnt even ask you. youre going to get taken advantage of if you cont-

his thoughts were interrupted as he felt toya's fingers brushing against his.

"look, akito. im not mad at you. its okay. are we really risking our friendship over this?"

akito frowned as his face was red, looking at him.

"how are you okay with me doing that? do you just go around kissing your friends?"

"you think i have friends other than you?"

"what about kohane and an?"

"im not close to them as i am to you."

akito sighed. "okay."

a smile formed on toya's lips. "lets just pretend it never happened. im not mad at you and i know you think im disgusted but i really am not. sure, i would be if it was someone else but you're my best friend. our bond is stronger than this."

akito just nodded. he couldnt stop thinking about what happened last night. how he kissed toya in his own house out of nowhere. and the worst part was that toya didnt have a problem with it. how does he not have a problem with it? he's....acting weird.

"mr kaito, when will we get there?"

"please, an. you've asked this for the third time and its been just 10 minutes since we got on."

"waaah! im just excited!"

three hours passed by with the sounds of music, people chatting and laughing.

akito fell asleep without noticing, his headphones still plugged in. well, he wasn't quite asleep - he was just pretending to be asleep.  toya was looking at him with admiration. he looked around to see if anyone was watching and stared at akito's lips.

he leaned in closer and akito was feeling his breath on his face. he was trying hard to stay still.

"akito. i know youre not sleeping."

akito didnt say a word and he didnt open his eyes either.

"oh? still not opening your eyes? guess i have to open them for you."

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