♡ nightmare ♡

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it was 2 am and akito was sitting on his bed, checking his phone. he was reading the comments under his instagram posts. it made him very happy to see people enjoying their groups music. he responded to some comments and put his phone to the floor. he picked up his blanket and laid his head on the pillow, smiling. he closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence until he heard a crying sound.

he quickly got up as soon as he realized it was toya's voice. he put his slippers on and walked to toya's room. he knocked the door a couple times, but toya wasn't answering. he opened the door and rushed next to him. toya was crying and shaking in his sleep.

"toya? are you okay? what happened?"

toya breathed heavily. "please, no. dont do this to me. im begging. please." tears were falling down his cheeks even though he was asleep.

akito wiped his tears as he tried to wake him up. "hey, toya. im here. its okay. get up." he was worried.

toya slowly rubbed his eyes and sat on the bed as he woke up. he cleared his throat. "oh...im so sorry akito. did i wake you up?"

akito sighed as he sat next to him. "no, i wasn't sleeping. are you alright?"

toya looked away in embarrassment. "im so sorry. i was having a bad dream."

akito wrapped his arms around toya. "dont be sorry. its okay. its fine. im here for you. it was just a dream. youre not alone."

toya buried his face into his shoulder as he held him tightly. "thank you...i dont know what id do if i didnt have you."

akito blushed at his words. "of course. you're my best friend. the bestest friend i could ever ask for." he smiled as he ran his fingers through toya's hair. "it'll be fine, it was just a dream. im here for you." he then pulled away and smiled once again.

"thank you.."

akito nodded. "good night, toya. sleep well."

toya grabbed him by the arm before akito walked away. "wait!"

akito looked at him confusedly. "yes?"

toya blushed as he looked away. "can you...do me a favor?"

akito shrugged. "sure. whats it?"

toya was about to die from embarrassment. he cleared his throat. "can you...stay with me for tonight? i know its weird, but..i dont want to be alone."

akito smiled as he got into toya's bed. he pulled the blanket over and hugged toya. both of them were blushing but they tried to hide it. they knew that they liked each other. they knew that the other liked them back, too. they just didn't want to admit it, but they both knew it.

akito caressed his cheek and whispered. "i love you. and im here for you."

toya smiled as he leaned in closer and held his hand. "i love you too. more than anything."he kissed akito's lips softly.


word count: 502

A/N: short ass chapter i know :⁠^⁠) im so sorry. im just very exhausted from everything
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 3K READS <33 i love u guys sm yall dont know how much you mean to me. i hope i get back to writing properly soon haha

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