♡ study date ♡

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akito adjusted his glasses, his fingers tapping nervously on the edge of his textbook. the afternoon sun streamed through the library windows, casting warm golden hues on the rows of neatly stacked books. it was the perfect setting for a study date, something he had secretly been looking forward to for weeks.

toya aoyagi, his best friend and secret crush, sat onto the chair opposite him, a small smile playing on his lips. "hey, aki. ready to conquer these textbooks?"

akito's heart fluttered at the sight of toya's smile, but he nodded determinedly. "absolutely. we've got this."

the two of them had always been close, but this was different. akito had finally found the courage to ask toya out for a study date, and to his delight, he had agreed. they had chosen the library, a place where they could focus on their studies while stealing glances at each other.

"hey, aki," toya said, nudging him playfully. "you've been staring at that math problem for quite a while. need some help?"

heat rushed to akito's cheeks as he realized he had been lost in thought rather than studying. "oh, um, yeah. that would be great."

toya leaned over, their shoulders almost touching, and began explaining the problem to akito. feeling his warm breath behind his neck sent akito's heart racing, but he managed to focus on the math as toya's voice guided him through the steps.

as the afternoon continued, akito and toya had made good progress with their studying.  however, akito found himself wanting to spend more time together.

"hey, toya." he began. "wanna take a break? maybe grab a snack from the cafe downstairs?"

toya's eyes lit up. "sure, aki. that sounds like a good idea."

they packed up their books and made their way to the cafe. the aroma of coffee and pastries filled the air. akito ordered pancakes along with lemonade, while toya ordered an americano with tiramisu.

akito was very stunned at his choices. "i still dont get how you can drink black coffee...its very bitter...no sugar, nothing. youre also eating tiramisu with it?...how do you even stand that much bitterness?"

toya chuckled. "you know, if you cant stand the bitterness of coffee, its because your taste palette hasnt developed yet. you most likely have the palette of a child."

akito groaned. "oh come on! dont get all scientific with me! thats bullshit!"

toya laughed at him softly. akito blushed as he watched how cute he looked.

sitting at the table near the window, they chatted about their favorite subjects, their hobbies, and their plans for the upcoming school festival. akito was amazed at how easy it was to talk to toya despite him being an introvert, how their conversation flowed effortlessly.

as time passed, toya turned to akito with a soft smile. "You know, akito, this has been really great. i havent had this much fun in a long while. thanks for inviting me."

akito's heart beat fastly with joy. "i'm glad you enjoyed it, toya. i had fun, too."


word count: 627

A/N: im very sorry for the lack of activity T-T sorry for the short chapter aswell, my mental health is starting to get worse and worse so i cant really find the motivation nor the inspiration to write but i wanted to post something :') also, thank you all so much for 600+ views! i never thought that this stupid book would get that much attention ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
again, thank you all! also, id really appreciate it if you guys could tell me if you have any requests. i just don't know what to write on anymore (•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
as always, youre loved! sorry again! ill try to get back to posting proper chapters asap! :⁠^⁠)

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