The Prince

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I am quick to bow and lower my head. "Oh, your highness. Forgive me for my rudeness. I didn't realize that it was you in the trees," I explain quickly.

He chuckles, coming closer to me. He reaches down and takes my hand, pulling me up. I jump back at the tingles he gives me. "You don't have to bow down to me, ever. You are my mate. We are equals now,"

My eyebrows scrunch together. "Mate?" Duh! You're so dumb Carter, that's what is causing the amazing smell. Why didn't I realize that sooner?

"Yes, you are my mate! Can't you feel the sparks when we touch. Can you smell my 'amazing' scent? Because I can sure smell yours." He says with enthusiasm, "I smelt it on your Alpha earlier and almost went insane. No one touches my mate but me."

I swallow. "Oh, um yeah. That's my brother Rucker."

He looks at me with surprise. "That makes me feel a little better..." he trails off, but keeps looking at me. "Do you mind if I hold you?"

I shake my no. "I don't mind at all, but it's getting kind of cold out here. Do you mind if we head back to my house?" I ask him. He nods with a smile.

"Of course we can." He takes my hand, and we head back to my house. Pack members slowly, trickling back into their houses for the night. Many smile at us as we pass them.

No one is home when we get there, which is a good thing. "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask him, going to the kitchen.

"You," he says in a low voice. This voice is different, almost animalistic. It must be his wolf pushing through.

"What did you say?" I ask him, pretending I didn't hear his first response.

"Um, no I'm good!"

I nod my head and come back empty handed. He's looking at my family pictures. "So you're Rucker's little sister, huh?"

I nod my head again but realize he's facing away and can't see me. "Um yes, I am."

"I don't have any siblings," He tells me, looking at another picture.

"It's a pain in the ass until you both grow up, to be honest!" I tell him with a chuckle. I sit down on the couch and watch him. After a few moments of silence, I decide to speak up. "So do you mind telling me what happens now?"

"Well, seeing my trip is over now that I have found you, we will be heading back to the castle." He comes over to sit next to me. He grabs my hand and I gasp, not yet used to the sparks.

"When do we leave?" I ask, looking into his eyes. It's probably my favorite thing about him so far.

"Tomorrow morning," He answers.

I let out a breath, that I didn't notice that I was holding in. "Okay, do I get to say goodbye to my family?"

"Of course," he says with a nod.

I stand up suddenly. "Well, we don't have any time to waste. Will you help me pack?" I ask holding out my hand. He smiles and takes it.

We pack for the rest of the night, talking and bonding with each other as we do. It isn't until early morning do I watch his perfect face hit the pillow and those chocolate brown eyes peaceful close. The slumber is openly accepted.

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