Tell Me Something I Dont Know

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"Your parents aren't your real parents," My uncle says.

I clamp my mouth shut to keep from laughing at the anxiety he gave me. 

"I know,"

He looks up at me, completely shocked.


"Yeah. I found out a few months ago, when they died. I've reconnected with my real parents!"

"That's great!"

"Yeah. I'm a lot happier now. As are you," I point out. He starts to blush.

"It was love at first sight," Is all he comments.

"When's the wedding?" I ask, he just laughs.

"I'm sure my beautiful Alice would love to tell you all about it. Should we get the other two out here?"


They come out and Axel immediately comes over to me, check me over, making sure I'm alright.

I laugh. "I'm fine, Axel!"

His eyes meet mine, silently asking one more time. I just smile. He sits down next too me.

"I've heard a lot about you, Axel." Mark says.

"I wish I could say the same."

We all laugh, expect Axel. I grab his hand and start rubbing over his knuckles with my finger. It seems to relax him.

"I know how tough this must be for you, due to the sudden death of your father only a few months ago."

"Of course not. My parents were done a long time ago."

Mark begins to talk again, but Axel cuts him off.

"I've come to the conclusion that if my mom has to sit and watch me fall in love, its only fair for me to do the same."

I'm shocked by the sudden change of heart.

Alice gets up with tears in her eyes and hugs her son. And I'm soon to follow.

"Thank you." I whisper in his ear, all he does is nod his head.

"Well saw we head to dinner?"


We head to the restaurant and it doesn't take long for word to get out. The photographers and reporters start to gather outside of the front window of the restaurant. 

We enjoy or time as we eat, but as we leave, the reporters start asking me about personal things.

"Are you pregnant?"

"Have you mated?"

"Are you in heat?"

I feel Axel getting more angry by the minute. I just squeeze his hand.

"King Axel, do you and your mate plan on having kids soon?"

Axel snaps. He turns around angrily. "What me and my mate, do in our bedroom is our business, not yours." He says and ushers me into the car. It doesn't take long for Axel to make it to the other side and off we go. 

Axel's Little RoseWhere stories live. Discover now