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"My Rose, it's time to get up. Our guest will be here soon." 

"I'm not ready to get up yet." I tell Axel. 

"If you're not up in a few minutes, when I come back, I will get you up myself." Axel tells me before leaving the room. Probably off to send today's orders or something. Our new house isn't that fair from the castle or his mother's house. I'd say it's about 10-15 minutes to both. It's nice and a perfect location. If Axel is needed anywhere, we don't have to travel far. But if something is urgent, the guards can also just show up to our house as well. 

Axel comes back in just a few moments and I'm still not out of bed. "My're testing my patience. Let's start getting you ready." His wolf growls and pulls me to the edge of the bed, and picking me up, he carries me to the bathroom with ease. He sets me down on the toilet, then goes to turn on the shower. I rub my eyes as he does so. He comes back over once the water is running, and starts taking off my shirt. I look up at him. "How did I get so lucky??" I ask him, and he smiles.

"I feel the same way."

After our shower, we get dress. Axel dresses faster than me, and heads down stairs. The dress that I pick is simple and black with a lace back. A dress that I've had for several years and can't bare to part with. 

Once I am presentable, I head down to the main living rooms. As I approach, I can hear the voices of friends and family laughing and having a good time. When I reach the room, I am overwhelmed with the amount of people there. I silently make my way over to Axel, careful not to make a composition. 

I reach Axel and join his conversation. "My queen what a pleasure." A man says and he leans to kiss my hand. But my hand is ripped away from his lips. I look up and see Axel giving him a death glare.

"Don't you dare. Do it one more time, and you will be gone."

"Alpha, my apologies for my pack member. He does not know any better." Alpha Damien says, walking himself into the conversation and pushing his pack member back. Axel isn't so easy to let go of another man touching his mate so I try to change the conversation. 

"Ahh, Alpha Damien nice to see you again." I say. I remember meeting him about a month ago at this point. 

"Yes, same to you. There's someone I would like you to meet." He says with a smile. He holds out his hand to his side, and a girl around my age appears.

She smiles at me. She is strikingly beautiful. I'm sure she's turning heads with her natural beauty. 

She walks over to joint us in the little social circle that we have created, as soon as she reaches us she lowers her head and bows to us. 

"Your majesties. It is an honor to meet you." Her shaky voice says. 

"Nervous?" I ask. She shakes her head yes. "No, need to be." She raises her head with a slight smile and I motion for her to stand up. 

"It's not every day that you meet your King and Queen." She remarks. 

"No I suppose not." I chuckle and she joins me. She appears to be more relaxed now. 

"What is your name?" 

"Winter. Winter Roberts."

I smile. "What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." I say honesty. 

"Thank you." She blushes. 

"Alright, shall we let the girls chat?" Axel asks Damien.

He looks at him. "Sure,"

Axel's Little RoseWhere stories live. Discover now