News To Me

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After mulling over my feelings for a decent amount of time, I decide to go find my dad. I walk around the house, and never once do I find him. The house is huge! I walk past a living room, and see that the TV is on.

"Future Queen Luna gone missing. It was reported last night from the crowned Prince Axel that he mate has gone missing. The last time anyone has seen her was yesterday afternoon at her parents funeral. WWN goes live from the castle." The news anchor says, I feel tears roll silently down my cheeks.

"For Prince Axel last night is something he wishes never happened. I was told that after Carter Mathis, Prince Axel's mate, gave a final good-bye to her parents, she decided to walk in the woods alone. Which in some eyes was mistake number one."

"Guards and werewolves were able to track her scent into the woods, but they lost the scent when they got to the road."

A man appears on screen. "We have reason to believe that Princess Carter was kidnapped by rogues. At this time we would like to ask anyone with important information that relates to the kidnapping to come forward."

The women comes back on the screen. "As for now, the kingdom is keeping the rest of the information silent."

Then the man appears again. "For the privacy and royal monarch, this investigation is being kept quiet. But please, if you have any information at all...dial the number on the bottom of your screen." He finally leaves the screen and they are closing.

"I talked to Prince Axel earlier, and he said he has no comments, but the only thing he would say is that he is going to get his mate back. Alex Pauler WWN. Back to you, Susan." the women says and they go back to the normal news.

"It's a shame people are making a big deal about this." A voice says behind me. I whip around and see a man standing there.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ben." The mystery man says. 

"What do you mean about the news?"

"Well, everyone is making a big deal about now, but in a few months everyone is going to forget."

"No one is going to forget that the Princess got kidnapped." I say before I can stop myself. I just called myself a Princess. This can't be happening. Next thing you know, I will be bossing people around.

"I guess so, but whatever. It doesn't matter anyways. You's such a shame really."

"What is?" I ask.

"That there won't be a happy ending to your story." he says with a smirk, and I snap. I ran at him at full speed, and before he has time to react, I tackle him to the ground. I punch him seveal times before he has time to slap me. We continue to fight until someone pulls me off of him.

"What is going on here?" a powerful voice says. I look up and face my dad.

"He started it."

"Ben, would you like to explain to me what is going on?"

"I have no idea, I was just watching the news and she attacked me."

"You liar!" I scream and start to run at him, but two strong arms hold me back.

My mom runs into the room. "What hell is going on in here?" she ask.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Ben says. I growl at him.

"Ben leave. I will deal with you later."

He smirks and leaves the room. I sigh in frustration.

"How about we all take a seat and discuss what just happened." My mom suggest.

"That sounds like a fine idea, dear. Carter?" he asks, as if to ask if I would join them. I nod, and follow them to the couches. My mom grabs the remote and turns off the TV.

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