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When my eyes open next, it's morning. Axel's room faces is on the north side of the house and let's in quite a bit of sunlight. It takes a moment or two for my eyes to adjust. Again, I add to my mental check list: Get black-out curtains.

My muscles silently call for me to stretch and I comply. I start with my legs first, as I always do and then move my hands up in a sun rising motion. That's when I unexpectedly hit something hard next to me.

Sheer panic races through me as I lift my gaze to my side. It's Axel, sleeping next to me. I relax a little, though my racing heart beat is persistent. Thankfully, he's dead asleep still.

My hand quickly covers my mouth as I laugh at what I just did. I would of been so embarrassed if I had woken him up.

I continue to watch his face, as his eyes open.

"Good morning, beautiful!" He says with a husky, and not to mention sexy voice. Butterflies erupt from my stomach from the sound. Funny how a voice can create such a physical reaction to my body.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I explain.

"It's okay, I missed your pretty little face anyways," He tells me. Why does he have to be so darn cute. "So what do you want to do today?"

I frown. "I don't know," I tell him honestly.

"Think about it. We can do anything you want. The day is yours," he says and leans in closer to me. "You know, you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

I scoff, my cheeks as red as Valentine's Day. "No, I didn't know that. But thank you,"

"As someone who has searched our world far and wide for a girl as beautiful as you, no one else compares Carter. You're beautiful my love, own it."

I plunge into deep thought at his statement. This man traveled from pack to pack for seemingly months in search of me, and failing every single time. I can't imagine the disappointment that he barred but yet he still continued. Why? How? How did he not lose faith that I was out there.

A kiss to the forehead releases me from my thoughts. "What are you thinking about my rose? Don't think too hard, you're going to get permanent worry lines." He takes his finger and pushing on the lines of my forehead. I instantly relax, worried that he would be right. "And trust me, they don't look pretty as you age. Just wait until you see my dad." He says with a smile. I can't help but burst into laughter at his statement.

He leans in close again, as if he's going to kiss me. The next thing I know, he's soft lips are touching mine. His kiss is sweet and gentle but more passionate as we deepen it. This. This is what I've been waiting for my entire life. They preach to us about finding out mate since we are babies. Mating is how the pack survives.

The kiss is short and sweet, fitting for our new relationship. As Axel pulls back, I can sense some hesitation in his eyes, maybe even some worry. I reach my hand up and run my thumb over his cheek, soothing him as if to say that it's okay and I wanted it just as bad as he did.

A sudden knock at our door broke our eye contact.

"What?" Axel growls. A man comes in, looing scared by Axel's intense state. 

The man swallows deeply, "Your Father requests your presence Sir," the man explains quickly.

"Tell him I'm busy."

"It's really important, Sir."

"I said, TELL HIM I'M BUSY!" Axel yells. The man runs out of the room. Axel fumes and I just stare at him. It prompts a question. Is that his wolf talking or is that really how Axel treats his pack members. I shake off the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when his eyes meet mine, they soften.

Axel's Little RoseWhere stories live. Discover now