Perfect, Well Almost Perfect.

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This chapter is for all of the readers! It seems like over night, the reads have gone up! Thank you for reading! There is so much more to come, and thanks to you, it is going to happen!


"Hey, babe come look at this!" I yell to Axel who is in the living room.

"What?" He yells back.

"This house, it's amazing." I yell back. I hear some noise and Axel appears by my side. He puts a hand on my shoulder, and looks at the computer screen.

"You're looking at houses? For us?" He asks me with 

"Well..." I start to trail off. "I just thought that I could get a head start. Plus I was just bored. " 

He nods his head and focuses his attention on my computer screen. He takes a few moments to look over all the pictures before forming a response. "You're right Carter. This house is beautiful." 

"It's a lot of money, but-" I start to say. 

"Money isn't a problem. I am the werewolf prince." 

I smile and lean into his torso. "Yes you are. My werewolf prince," I say. "Well I can always schedule a tour-"

The sound of the phone interrupts my sentence. 

"That's weird." I say. Axel and I decided to shut off our personal phone so we could have some peace and quiet. But this is the cabin phone. 

I walk over to the phone, and look at the caller ID. It says "Rucker". I hesitate. 

"Who is it?" Axel asks, coming up behind me.

"My brother."

"Are you going to answer it?"

"I don't think so. He'll call again if it's really important." I tell him. 

"Just wait for it go to voicemail." Axel says and I put the phone down. "Okay," I mummer.

The phone stops ringing.

"What were you saying about a house tour?" Axel asks, prompting me to continue but before I could even respond, the phone rang again. 

I pick it up again. Rucker. "This can't be good." 

"Do you want to answer it? Or should I?" Axel says reaching for the phone in my hand. I put a hand on his, stopping him. He looks at me for my next move. 

"I got this, thanks." I say and Axel takes his hand back. 

I click the answer button and raise the phone up to my ear. 


"Carter?" Rucker says. It sounds so weird to hear his voice. I haven't heard it since, I left with Axel which was roughly a week or so ago. Probably one of the longest times away from him. "Carter?" 

"Yeah, I'm here. What's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask him. His voice sounds distressed. 

"Um, no. I wish. I have some bad news Carter. I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you in person." He tells him. I feel my heart beat hard in my chest. I swallow nervously. "It's Mom and Dad." 

"Mom and Dad? What now? Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to disown us. Not like they cared anyways." I say with a nervous laugh. I'm not very good at this kind of thing.

There isn't a laugh on the other side. Oh goddess. 

"There was an accident." 

"An accident?" 

"Yes, and....and Mom and Dad didn't make it. They died." 

I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.

"Carter? Carter are you okay?" This time it isn't Rucker, it's Axel. "My Rose, you're scaring me. What's going on?" 

I put the phone on speaker. "Um, my parents were in an accident. They didn't make it." I explain with shock written all over my face. 

"What? Are you serious?" Axel asks. This time, its Rucker to reply.

"Axel? Axel, I need your help." Rucker says. Axel brings me over to the couch to sit. I'm too much in shock to even stand anymore. Axel goes back to the phone and takes it off of speaker, putting it up to his ear. 

Rucker continues to talk to him. After a few minutes, they hang up. 

Axel comes back over to me, and starts to rub my shoulders. He kisses my neck in a comforting way. 

"We should pack our bags." Axel says after a few minutes. 

I nod my head. "Okay, yeah." 

We head to the bedroom and start taking our stuff out of the closet. I begin to fold my clothes up to put them in my suitcase. I continue to do this for a few minutes. My head is all over the place. I pause and look up at Axel.

"Axel..." I start. He looks over at me.

He looks up from his project. "Yes my Rose?" He sets down his shirt, and walks over to me. He takes my hands in his. "What's wrong?" 

I feel a tear slip down my cheek. He wipes it away. I fall into his arms. "I just don't know what to do..." I pause. Axel is silent. "I hated my parents for leaving me. I rarely spoke to them since they left Rucker and me and then there was that fight with my Father....And they are gone. I just..." I trail off again. 

"Shhhh, it's okay my Rose. Let it out." Axel holds me tighter. Soon all of my tears come out. I don't cry much. I've been told it was a weakness. But here, right now, with my's all I can do. I slowly start to realize that tears aren't weakness, they are a symbol. A symbol of power and strength and most of all, a symbol of compassion. 3 key features of a Luna. 

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