Moving On Up

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"God women! How much stuff do you have??" Taylor asks, coming  back into Winter's room. 

"Hey, if you think this is bad. All of the stuff in my house, is Carters." Axel comments. I throw a newspaper at him. 

"What?" He says looking at me. "You know I love you right?" 

"I don't recall!" I say, taping a box. 

"You should just be lucky that I'm moving in with you." Winter tells Taylor. 

"The only reason is so you can me closer to Carter." Taylor comments. 

"That is one of the benefits." Winter admits. 

I giggle watching them debate. Axel comes over and puts one hand on my stomach. I roll my eyes. Ever since 3 weeks ago, when he told me he wants to start trying for kids, he does this every time he's near me. 

I'm just not sure if I'm ready to have kids. Of course I want to give Axel a child, multiple even, but I'm enjoying our time just the two of us. With the coronation just weeks away, I think it would be best for us to wait. Plus I think we should wait until after we get married too but that isn't a requirement in the werewolf world. 

Winter glances at us, and eyes Axel's hand and gives me suggestive eyebrows. 

I roll my eyes at her. I clap my hands together. "Okay, so should we get the show on the road. I want to get back tonight." I say. We all agree, and get to work. 

5 hour later, we finally get the last box into the car, and say goodbyes. Axel and I wait in the back of the car, for Winter and Taylor to get in. 

"So, how are you?" Axel says. 

"I'm good, I'm excited for Winter to be moving in. It will be nice to have some friends closer." My heart pings. Jackson. I miss him. It's been a few weeks since we were there last. I've tried to get him to come over and stay with us for a little bit but he hasn't bit the bait yet. I'm going to keep trying. 

As I'm deep in though, I notice I'm twisting my ring around my finger. For some reason, I have been doing that lately. 

When we finally arrive back at home, they drop me off at our house before heading deeper into the pack. I head straight to bed. I was so tired. About a couple hours later, I hear Axel come. He lays down next to me, putting one hand over my stomach, and pulling me close. 

I curl into his chest. He growls in content. 

"Did you get everything inside?"

"Yeah, I had some of the pack members help." 

"Oh," I say. He holds me closer.

"I love you." He whispers, as I fall asleep.

"I love you too."

I feel kisses being pressed to my cheeks, as I wake up. I stretch out.

"Hey," I say, trying to wake up. I open my eyes and roll over to look at Axel. He grins at me.

"Good morning beautiful!"

Now, I'm the one grinning. There's a knock on the door, and Axel tells them to come in. 

It's Axel family. 

Axel sits up. "Guys what are you doing here?" 

"Oh, we just wanted to take you guys out for the day." He's grandma explains. 

Axel's mindlink: How did they even get past the gates? Our guards must be slacking or my grandpa sweet talked them. I can see that too. 

I have to hold in my laugh or his family will suspect something. 

"I don't think today will work, see I have to do-" Axel begins. 

"Oh, shut up. I've talked to some people, and got everything arranged for you guys to take a few days off." Alice says. 

"Guys, I a-" 

"Axel listen to your mother and shut up. You guys deserve this!" Anne says, Axel turns to his grandpa next. 

"How can you let this happen?" 

"Son, I learned a long time ago not to go up against your grandmother." He says. 

Axel looks back at me with a questioning look. "What do you think babe?" 

"I think we should do it, you need a break anyway." 

"Yeah, Axel. You work too much, how often are you two having sex know a days?" Anne. 

Axel groans, while I laugh. 

"What? You have to pleasure your women too! So tell me dear, how often?" 

I don't answer just laugh again. I kiss Axel on the cheek, and get up. "Alright guys, were going to get ready." I say, trying to push them out. 

"Okay, give us 20 minutes and then we will be out. Meet you downstairs." 

"Why are we getting on a plane?" Axel asks, as we get on and take our seats.

I take Axel's hand. "Have I ever told you that you worry to much?"


"Babe, you worry to much." I tell him, with a smile. When he doesn't smile back, I kiss his cheek. "Besides, we need this." 

He looks at me, he's eyes getting softer. "I know, it's just hard for me to leave my pack." 

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. This is why Krit is your Beta and Taylor is your Gamma. It's their job to take over for us when we need them too. Your mental health is important Axel."

"I know but-" 

"No, buts. Babe, enjoy this please. For me?" I ask, with puppy eyes. 

He nods and kisses me. 

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