I Didn't See That Coming, Oh Wait I did!

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I feel something being pressed against my lips, I soon realizes that Axel is kissing me. I kiss back.

"What was that for?" I ask, once his lips disappear. I open my eyes, and see him smile down on me.

"I love you."

I smile. "I love you too, but why did you wake me up?" I joke, he growls, but then chuckles.

"I'll be right back." Axel says and leaves.

I lay down, and sigh. Axel comes back into the room, with breakfast.

"Am I forgetting a anniversary or something?" I ask as a joke but secretly concerned that I did actually forget something. 

He gives me a soft smile. "No My Rose. I just want to make you feel loved." He holds up a strawberry to my mouth, and I take a bite.

I moan as the taste of the fruit explodes on my tongue. 

He smiles at me.

"Did you hear that?" I ask, the red blush growing on my cheeks. He doesn't answer, just gives me a quick wink. 

"Oh," I say with a chuckle.

We continue to eat, feeding each other every once in a while. Shortly after we finish the food, he turns to leave the bed. I watch him curiously, waiting for him to leave the comfort of our bed but he never does. He just whistles. 

I look at him in confusion. I hear a sound coming closer to us. But it sounds like steps.

I sound realize it's paws. The next thing I know, a little puppy comes running into our bedroom. My hands fly up to my mouth.

"OMG! It's so CUTE!" I say. I jump up from bed and run over it. The puppy rolls over to lay on it back. I rub it's stomach, when I notice something on its collar. I reach over and take it between my hands. It's a ring. A engagement ring.

I stare at it in confusion. I stand up and turn around, only to find Axel down on one knee. My hands cover my mouth again.

He grabs my hand. "Carter. My Little Rose. Ever since I met you, you have turned my world upside down. But I love it like that. You are perfect in every single way. I have no idea where I would be without you. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

He looks into my eyes, waiting for my answer.


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