Yes Or No

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"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"I would love too!" I scream, and Axel chuckles.

I jump into his arms.  I smash my lips on his, and let me was amazing.

Axel sets me down, and calls the puppy over.

"What are we going to call him?" Axel ask, handing me the puppy.

"5 miles."


"So I can say I walk 5 miles everyday."

Axel chuckles, kissing my head. Axel unties the ring from the puppy's neck.

He looks in my eyes. "May I?"

I nod my head, and hold out my hand.

He slips on the ring. I amare it. "It's amazing. I love it."

"Good, I was nervous."

"You didn't have to be. I love it."  I say and kiss him, then kissing the top of my puppy's head.


"So, when should we tell our parents?" I ask, we are currently cuddled up by the fire.

"Doesn't matter, up to you."

"Well I think we should call my parents, and tell them. And we can wait until your parents get back from their honeymoon."

"Sounds great." Axel says, were silent for a few minutes until his breaks it. "I'm so glad you said yes."

I chuckle. "Why wouldn't I? I'm you mate after all."

"I know, I just got nervous." He says with a blush.

"Your cute when you blush." I say with a chuckle. Axel just rolls his eyes. 

I lean my head on Axel, and stare up at him. "Tell me what your thinking?" 

He gives me a confused look, but then answers me.  "I'm thinking I'm the happiest man alive." 

I hear my wolf sigh in content.  

I hear my phone ring, and I reach over to get it. 

"Hello." I say without bothering looking at the caller ID. 


"Rucker? What's up?" 

"Jasmine went into labor. Can you come?" 

"Yes! We'll leave right away. What about Rucker Jr.?" 

"He's staying with a pack member. Jasmine's parents are out of town. Can you come get him, and bring him back to my house. I'll call you later with more details." 

"Yeah, of course. I love you Rucker."

"I love you too."  He says and we hang up. Axel looks over at him. 

"What's going on?" 

"Jasmine is having her baby. We have to go get Rucker Jr." 

Axel just nods, and gets up. He runs up stairs, and starts throwing some stuff into a bag. I pace around downstairs, waiting for him to come back down. I get on my shoes, and my jacket. 

Axel comes down, holding two bags. He grabs my hand and leads me outside. As we walk to the car, I ask him if he can just leave the pack. 

"The pack can run it's self for a few days." is all he says, before shutting my door and getting in the other side. As we drive to my brother's house, I watch Axel. He's focused on the road. 

"Thank you for doing this." I say and he smiles at me. 

"Of course. Their my family now too." 

I just smile, and take his hand. I'm glad Axel is in my life. He's perfect and I love him.

The end! Omg! I can't believe that we've actually reached the end of my book! It's amazing! There will be a sequel, its called He's my mate, My Husband, Oh And Also The Father Of My Child. 

I'll be posting the first chapter/ (A/N) later today. 

Once again, thanks for reading. You guys make my world. I can't wait to see you in the sequel. 

So, signing off for the last time in this book - daria_16

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