Dinner With The Kings

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"Welcome, welcome. Come in!" a older lady says as she opens the door. I smile at her. Axel has a hand on my back.

We walk inside, and a maid comes to take our coats. The lady takes me by the hands and hugs me. This must be very common in this family. Something I will have to get used too I guess. 

"It's so good to finally meet you. I have heard so much. Axel talks about you non stop." She says, I give her a worried look. She smiles, "All good things."

I smile, "Thanks. I wish I could say the same but we haven't had much time together."

She smiles softly. "All in good time. Come this way," she says motioning us to follow her. Axel comes up beside me.

"Sorry about about my Grandma, Anne." He whispers softly.

"Not a problem at all. She's sweet."

We walk into the main living room, and find an older man sitting in a chair. Axel lets go of my hand and quickly goes to the man. I already miss the warmth of Axel.

"Grandpa!" Axel says, and hugs the man. He laughs.

"Axel, 24 years old and still a ball of energy."

"Yep, that's me Grandpa." Axel says with the happiest smile I have ever see him show. Axel looks at me.

"My Rose," He says with a hand out, motioning for me to come over. I walk over and take his hand. We turn to the man known as "Grandpa". "Grandpa Joel, this is my mate Carter."

"Ahh, the famous Carter. Nice to meet you." He says, holding out a hand. I take it.

Joel looks to Axel, "What a fine young lady you have for a queen."

Axel smiles down at me with joy. I can feel the pride radiating off of him. I could live with that feeling forever. It never gets old. 

"So, how about some dinner?" Anne asks just as Axel's mother, Alice arrives. 

"Sounds great grandma." Axel says.

"Thank you for having us," Alice says as we sit down.

"Of course. Nothing like a good family dinner."

Through out the night, I got to know more about Axel and his family. And I'm glad they welcomed me into the family with opened arms. We stayed for a long time, so it wasn't until late that we returned back to the house. 

I brush out my messy hair, while Axel is in the shower. He comes out, not wearing anything.

He comes over and kisses my cheek.

"Hi, Sweetheart." he says in a husky voice.

"Hey," I say softly. 

"So, it's seems my family loves you!" he says, with a smile.

I scrunch my eyebrows, "How can you talk about your family while fully naked?" I say with a slight giggle. 

"I'm a man of many talents." He says with a smirk.

I finish brushing my hair, and get my pjs on. When I come back out of the closet, Axel is in bed, doing something on his phone. I run and jump on the bed. He chuckles deeply. I smile and kiss him, and get under the covers.

"Whacha doing?" I ask.

"Nothing much, just checking in with my Beta."

"Oh, okay." I pause for a second before I sit up. " Axel, can we talk about something? It's been on my mind for a while." I ask him. 

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