Day of Relaxation

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"Babe," I hear Axel's voice in the distance. I break from my amazing dream and come to. I roll over and slowly open my eyes; adjusting to the light. For the first time, Axel is actually laying there when I come too. 

"What?" I ask with a soft groan. 

"Um," he pauses, "nothing."  I sit up and glare at him. He gives me a confused look

"You woke me up for nothing?" I groan, throwing myself back down on my pillow. I can only speak for myself but I value my sleep. 

"I didn't think you'd wake up!" He defends with his hands out. 

"I'm a light sleeper! What did you expect?" 

He chuckles to himself. 

I raise an eyebrow, "What's so funny?" 

"You....a light sleeper. Yeah okay! Says the one that slept threw a huge ass thunderstorm..." he says recalling a story I told him. 

"Anyone can sleep threw a thunder storm!" I defend. 

"You were sleeping in a shaky tent Carter." He states.  

I scowl at him. "You know what? This whole "waking up thing" isn't for me. I'm going to go back to sleep again." I close my eyes and adjust my head on the soft pillow. 

"My Rose," Axel says. 

I open one eye and look at my mate. "What?" 

"It's already 1pm. Do you really need to sleep more?" he asks.

I smirk with my eyes closed. "There's always time for beauty rest." 

Later that day, I wake up and Axel's gone. Figures. I knew he'd get tired of watching me sleep, but the question is, where is he now?

I get out of bed, stretching as I do, and walk out to the living room. He isn't there. I walk to the fridge, grabbing out a yogurt cup and grab a spoon before heading out to the porch. 

I find Axel out there, reading a book. 

"Hey Mr. Smarty pants. Whatcha readin'?" 

He looks up and smiles. "Good morning, Sleepy pants." he puts his finger in the book, marking the page, and shows me the cover, Where the Red Fern Grows, it reads.

I stick my tongue out in distaste. "Ew, I hated that book." I comment. 

He smiles, and looks at me. "So you've read it?" 

"Of course I've read it! Who hasn't? It's only required for almost every child to read at least once in school" I say with a flick of a wrist. 

"Oh is it?" He asks. 

"Yes, it is." I say to wrap up my argument. 

"Well unlike everyone else, I did not have to read it for school." 

I scoff slightly. "Babe, you're the future king. I'm sure teachers will bend to your will." 

He chuckles. "Mom and Dad value education a great deal. Every royal must have the very best education that they could receive."

"So what did you read in class then?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"Oh you know, Werewolf history, royal bank statements." 

I laugh, "And suddenly, Where the Red Furn Grows, sounds so appealing." 

We laugh together but grow silently shortly after. I, eating my yogurt, and Axel back to reading. 

"We are going to have to go back sometime," I randomly comment. I shouldn't say randomly because it was far from it. That's where my mind has been at for the last 45 minutes or so. Time goes back so fast. 

"I know. But right now, I just want to spend time with my beautiful mate. How does that sound?"

"Perfect, but one day it will get old. People will miss us. I will miss people." I point out. 

"It will never get old with you. And of course people will miss us. They will especially miss my amazing face!" he says. His eyes glaze over, sensing his wolf is near front. 

"You are so full of yourself," I say with a chuckle. 

He laughs, "Only for you Sweetheart." His wolf winks at me fully coming to the front. I can't help but chuckle at the thought. Sweetheart. That's what Axel's wolf calls me. It's an easy identifier that he is the one talking to me and Axel is in the distance. 

"No, but I'm serious Axel. We'll have to go back one day."

"I know Sweetheart. But for today, I'm spending time with my mate, everyone else can wait." He smiles and I smile too. A few minutes later, Axel closes his book and stands up. He reaches his hand out to me, and I take it.

"How about a canoe ride on the lake with a short swim after?" Axel asks. 

I smile. "Sounds perfect." 

And it was. 

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