Chapter 3 - Blustering

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Omori tread onward. His next destination to check was where he hoped to find Mari. The Pinwheel Forest. Omori observed the ladder and saw Bangs standing before it.

"Oh noooo, are you gonna kill me? Oh, woe is me." Bangs spoke monotonely. Omori kicked him aside. He was a half-hearted reconstruction of a movie character, nothing to do with Sunny, and no qualms with the little character.

Up the ladder Omori climbed. "Hey, Brows, careful! Omori's coming! I couldn't stop him, I tried super hard." Bangs called up the ladder. Omori rolled his eyes. Brows was going to be killed, as he was based on a drawing Sunny made as a child. There was no escape for the little creature either, as Omori was going up the only ladder up to Pinwheel Forest. When Omori reached the top, Brows was there to greet him.

"Scuse me." He said, trying to get past Omori and go down the ladder. Omori threw a knife down at his head and moved forward. The forest was empty, save for a boy flying a kite.

"The wind seems quieter." He commented to nobody in particular. Omori looked at the boy. He reminded him of Sunny somehow... and it pissed him off.

Omori prepared a chain mace and swung it over his head at the boy. The boy didn't turn and blocked the chain with his kite string, making the chain swing around and get stuck on the kite string.

"Did you make the wind go quiet?" He asked.

"What is your name, wretch?" Omori spat with hatred.

"My name..? I've forgotten... I call myself Kite Kid now." The boy focused intently on his kite. It annoyed Omori. He let go of his mace. That method would be saved for use on someone else. Now was time for a more familiar implement.

Omori conjured himself a knife and slashed at Kite Kid. He blocked the slash with the kite string, still staring up at his kite.

"I made this kite myself. It has a titanium reinforced string, so don't bother trying to cut it." Kite Kid spoke quietly.

"I'm not trying to cut your kite string, I'm trying to cut you." Omori proclaimed. He swung his knife again, the bright red metallic object clashing against the string.

"My kite wouldn't let that happen." He replied. The boy began to reel his kite in. "The shape is perfect, and it uses small hollow steel rods to retain both performance and strength."

"I don't care about your stupid kite." Omori shouted as he stabbed at Kite Kid. For the first time, the boy looked away from his kite and jumped backwards.

"You will soon." The boy spoke with a voice unaffected by emotion. The kite suddenly swooped down and attacked Omori, hutting him in the head.

Omori dropped his knife and rubbed the back of his head. "Ow, what the hell?"

"My kite is special." Kite Kid smiled slightly, "It protects me, and I protect it."

Omori balled his fists, causing his right hand to begin bleeding again. He created a kanabo. The red energy formed a wood material successfully, but it felt odd, like it had a heartbeat.

The large club needed two hands to hold, but it had spikes adorning the top of it, allowing him to use blunt force to his advantage.

"Your kite might be able to stop me from cutting you, but can it stop me from beating you to a bloody pulp?" Omori smiled manically and rushed at Kite Kid. The blue boy dodged the first blow, but his kite string did not. The force of the kanabo dug it into the ground.

Kite Kid let go of his kite. The kite then swooped down into Omori's back before flying back into the sky.

"That thing is starting to annoy me." Omori remarked.

Kite Kid smiled, "That's the idea."

Omori dashed forwards and knocked Kite Kid in the chin, sending him peeling backwards. The kite swooped into Omori and tied itself around his ankles. Omori tripped quickly following this.

The kite then flew high into the air, letting itself be ripped apart by high winds, stretching Omori into a splits position.

"FUCK that hurts." Omori yelled, unable to do much but dangle. He tried throwing weapons at Kite Kid, but Kite Kid was much too far away. The energy would dissipate the weapon far before being able to hit him.

Omori made his heaviest weapon, a halberd, trying to weigh down the kite, but the blustering winds of the high skies were stronger.

He felt his leg pop out of its socket before the kite was no longer able to fly, sending Omori careening into the ground below.

Omori grabbed his leg and started to pull it into place, feeling extreme pain and grimacing as such, until his leg popped back into place. He breathed a sigh of relief.

After standing up carefully, he took an imposing stance and created a spear, hoping to be able to outrange Kite Kid now that he was without his kite.

Kite Kid stood there, looking empty.

"My kite failed. Do what you will." He said solemnly.

Omori was disappointed. All of that effort for a cowardly end. "Filth." He said before stabbing Kite Kid in the face, ripping his head off of his neck, tearing flesh and muscle.

A few seconds passed. The pinwheels stopped spinning. The wind stopped for a moment.

Omori clambered down the ladder. Bangs was still sitting there. "You gonna kill me now?" He asked.

"No." Omori replied.

Charlotte still watched from between the trees. Omori let her go for now.

"Hey Sharleen, is Omori not killing you too?" Bangs questioned. Charlotte shook her head. Omori forgot Bangs would still call her by her faux name.

Omori began to walk back towards the playground. He had more work to do.

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