Chapter 4 - Dolor

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Omori looked up at Otherworld. He looked behind him, at the blood and fur in his wake. The ladder was just ahead. He walked around a group of trees and looked at the base of the ladder. There, he spotted two more targets.

Shawn and Rin. Omori smiled.

"Come on, Shawn! We have to go!" Rin urged.

"I know, I'm just... I'm scared of heights! I can't do this..." Shawn replied, quivering. Omori began to walk over.

Shawn froze up, afraid. Rin was unaware. "Come on, go up the ladder! Why are you just sitting there! Shawwnnnn... Shawn??"

Rin was completely distracted. Omori created a hatchet and swung it into Rin's head, cracking into her ear. Shawn screamed and scrambled up the ladder.

"Let's try something new..." Omori started to strain and created a new weapon. One he had never tried before. A bow.

He shot a bolt of energy at Shawn and took out his leg, making him fall down, bouncing off of the ground with a sickly snapping sound.

Omori shot an extra bolt into Rin to make completely sure she was dead. He sighed. They were only nominally related to Sunny at best, but Omori didn't care.

At this point, he just wanted something to direct his rage at. Omori excitedly smiled as he climbed the ladder, shaking with glee.

He came out in the Sprout Mole Colony and slaughtered any mole in sight. He couldn't help but laugh. His uncontrollable laughing continued until he stabbed the final sprout mole to death. Its pathetic eyes staring upwards, shocked and in tears.

Omori's smile faded, and he stood back up. It was far more boring after the kill. He decided he would continue and try to find Mari.

Walking towards the campsite, he saw a picnic basket again. Another sign of that worthless shell. Used to try and drown his guilt with lies and scapegoating. "It was an accident." or "She forgives you.". It made Omori furious that Sunny would pretend his sister was speaking with him from beyond the grave, just so he could justify his actions to himself.

He ran into the town and kicked open the door of the nearest house. Empty.

"They fucking warned them too!" Omori kicked over a table, knocking some decorative ceramics onto the floor, shattering them.

Omori checked another house. Empty. Then one more. Empty. Finally, the large doll head house, where there was a boy wearing a skirt, using a feather duster to clean some Sweetheart memorabilia.

"Oh, hello, sweetie! I am Pess-" The boy began. Omori didn't wait. He stabbed him in his face, cracking whatever was on his face. The blood stained his porcelain shell. Omori felt bored of him. He decided to enter Captain Spaceboy's house. It was time for a real challenge.

Omori walked inside eagerly. His hand finally stopped hurting, so he decided to start his fight. Pluto was nowhere to be seen, but Mercury through Neptune sat in their places. He smirked and created a halberd. First, Mercury. Smashed to bits with just two swings. Boring.

Venus awoke, though, and hopped onto the ground, making a mighty boom as he hit the ground. "You have killed Mercury and brought disorder to the system. I will defeat you.

Omori smiled manically, ready for a real fight.

Venus practically teleported forwards, and smashed his fist into Omori's stomach, launching him through a wall.

Omori felt exhilarated but simultaneously hurt like hell. "Alright, that's fair." He groaned. Omori reformed his halberd and jumped through the hole in the wall, swinging at Venus.

Venus stopped the blade with his hand but had a sudden shift in expression as his hand cracked. "You are stronger than you appear, boy. But your strength matters not when it comes to this." Venus began to emanate a smoke.

The smoke tasted like rotten eggs and made Omori tear up and cough. "cough, hack What the h- cough hell?" Omori waved his halberd, redirecting some of the smog, but still leaving him vulnerable to another attack.

Venus slammed his fist into Omori's head, smashing him into the ground, chin first. Omori did not succumb, but he sure as hell wanted to. His jaw had dislocated, and it hurt like he had broken it.

"Ghh, fauck." He said, his words distorted by his injury. He punched himself in the jaw, clicking his jaw back into place.

"You should give up. Only one being has ever defeated me, and he is Jupiter. He humbled me, as I will now humble you!" Venus stomped on Omori... or tried to, as Omori rolled out of the way. Quickly, he jumped to his feet and formed a halberd yet again. The massive axe blade seemed sharper than normal. Omori bit his tongue and swung with full force into Venus.

Venus blocked the hit with his arms, and the crack in his hand increased in size before breaking entirely off at the wrist. Venus cried out in pain. "Y-You will not best me! One hand is all I need, I will defeat you!"

Venus reeled up a punch and punched Omori, which Omori blocked with the halberd, but the force made him scrape backwards along the floor, a piece of wood from the floor got caught on his sock.

Omori shook off the sprind of wood, and jumped, swinging the halberd as hard as he could into the side of Venus. Venus cracked.

"You took advantage of my weakness. I commend you. I suggest you stop here, though, as the rest of the planets either match my strength or, for some, even stronger." Venus stated. He then shattered, becoming a pile of stones and dust.

Omori panted. Finally, the fight was over. Omori felt a rush. Though, one was enough. Omori decided to spare the rest of the planets... or moreover, spare himself the suffering of trying to kill the others.

"Time to go find Spaceboy." Omori smiled. Things were soon going to get very, very interesting.

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