Chapter 10: In the Club

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Seated at a table in the club, the wet bunch of friends sat with their drinks while the foam spilled all over the club floor. Becca, Richie and Heng had Irin and Nop with them. Irin and Richie had been having an on and off teasing, flirty vibe going on and everyone has been waiting for the two to just get over themselves and hook up, despite the fact that Irin was basically like Becca's sister. Freen, for moral support, showed up with Nam and Tor, though these two were entwined on the dance floor for most of the night, lost in their own foamy world.

"So, I thought Becca had mad game, but I'm yet to see any evidence of this." Freen smirked at the woman with confidence as she took a swig from her drink. Becca raised her brows as a small smirk curled around the corner of her lips. Richie and Irin bit down their chuckles as they bumped shoulders, while Heng put his hand to his forehead and shook it. "Great. Now you've activated her." He mumbled.

"How have I activated her?" Freen asked as Becca's grin only grew wider and Heng scoffed. "Because now she's going to want to prove a point." Becca simply nodded enthusiastically and brought her bottle to her lips. As she glanced at Heng she said, "Choose a method."

"Method?" Freen asked innocently as her eyes jumped from one face to the next, all of them smirking. "Becca has several tricks to capture her so-called prey." Irin interjected while the guys simply nodded. Freen frowned as she tried to figure out what all of them knew. "There's the 'Spilt Drink'," Heng started and one by one the four friends rambled off Becca's methods: "Then there's the 'Lonely Girl'," Nop added. "The 'Eye Lock'," Richie said. "Don't forget the 'Throat Grab'," Heng grinned, "That one's my favourite." Irin nodded with a smirk, "And of course 'The Cage'." Nop nodded in agreement, then pointed out, "Also there's the 'Walk Away'." Irin laughed as she shook her head at Becca who had a cheshire grin by now, "We've probably forgotten some of them as well."

Freen's eyes were comically wide by now as she tried to wrap her head around all these 'methods' and how they could possibly look. "So choose one," Becca encouraged her friends, "So that I can show Freenkie here how it's done."

"Lies! I don't believe for one second you can pull off all of that." Freen laughed, though deep down she was simply wishing that they wouldn't work. She wasn't sure she really wanted to see Becca working her magic, so to speak.

"Again, choose one." Becca challenged the table and Richie spoke up first. "The Spilt Drink.' Ease Freen into it." Becca nodded as she finished her drink while scanning the room. Locking onto a girl that stood at another table close enough to the dancefloor to be transfixed on the wet bodies, but far enough to clearly be disarmed. She had a drink in her hand, which was compulsory for the method to work. "Okay, here goes nothing." She said as she slammed her empty bottle down on the table and slowly sauntered over.

Heng narrated the process to Freen as it happened. "First she'll appear clumsy, falling down next to the girl and smacking her drink off the table in the process." Which is exactly what Becca did and the whole table watched with keen eyes. "Then she gets up and apologizes profusely. If the girl is aggressive, she simply backs away."

"But this one, as you can see..." Irin inserted, "She's friendly enough. Becca knows how to choose her targets." Nop pointed to what was happening and continued the narration. "She insists on replacing the girl's drink, even though she declined out of politeness. But Becca doesn't take no for an answer. Watch how she takes the girl with her hand placed by the girl's elbow. It's light enough to be non-threatening, but stern enough to steer her to the bar."

Richie added then, "Notice how she doesn't take the girl by the hand, because that would be too obvious in making her intentions clear." Heng returned to further explain, "At the bar she'll replace the girl's drink, as well as getting herself a new one just to make it seem casual, that she's not just there for the girl alone. She'll also order each of them a shot to apologize again."

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