Chapter 21: What now?

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A/N: My apologies for being away for so long. I've had a hell of a year, but I promise I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing. Help me out! Missing you guys!


Becca intertwined her fingers with Freen's once the latter casually leaned back against her car. After feeling exhausted from both the work and the play that they experienced, they decided it was best to call it a night. Becca agreed and as Freen lead the way to her car, Becca had her fingers loosely locked into Freen's.

It was such a simple gesture. It was innocent and it was warm. Becca couldn't remember the last time she simply held a girl's hand and felt warm and content in the moment. She was reassessing the sensation once more when she had intertwined her fingers with Freen by the car, lifted their hands and pushed lightly against the opposite pair. She was met with some resistance as Freen pushed back with a peaceful smile.

"So... What is...this?" She asked softly as they maintained their light shifting back and forth. Becca's heart skipped several beats when she was suddenly overwhelmed with the myriad of possible outcomes stemming from that point forward. She had no idea where to go.

"What do you...want it to be?" Becca gripped Freen's hands more tightly and looked back into those impossibly dark eyes. Dark eyes that flashed at the question. Becca had caught the little gasp when Freen was now faced with the same dilemma. Where to go?

"I tell you what." Becca smiled softly, yet with confidence as she watched Freen's facial expressions closely. "How about for now... We just... Don't call it anything..." Becca leaned forward and bumped her nose against Freen's to indicate what she suggested had come from an affectionate place. "We it by ear, I guess." Becca grinned playfully and soon Freen joined in. "No strings attached, huh?" Freen teased back.

Becca almost snorted at the last one, but it was a consideration that squeezed around her heart. What if she moves too slow and someone else swoops in? She couldn't bare losing her twice. No, but things were too crazy at the moment with all the gigs and the practice and the pressure. It was just not the most stable time for her and Freen to dive in head first.

"Maybe one or two..." Becca chuckled regarding the matter of strings, though Freen grinned and nodded. They did not need to voice anything further. They both just knew and understood.


"Okay, it's time you and I had a little talk!" Irin pointed an accusatory finger and tone at Becca right as she entered her own front door. She had been out for a run to clear her head and get her blood flowing. It felt good. She felt good.

Well, that was until Irin fired off a verbal missile from her seat at the counter. Richie stood behind her in the kitchen, eyes wide. "What the hell has been going on with you and miss goddess? I feel like you've been holding out on me, Becca!"

Becca stared and briefly considered turning around and running back, but sighed and entered, lightly slamming the door behind her. "Richie, what did you tell her now?" She turned her irritation towards her brother, assuming he had something to do with Irin's ire.

"What? Nothing! Maybe just, ya know, it looked like I had interrupted something yesterday...maybe." Richie clumsily tumbled through his words, his gaze shooting between Becca and Irin, hoping Irin would help him out. Richie knew more than that. He knew about the kiss at Freen's doorstep, but he wouldn't out his little sis completely. It was for Becca to share with her friend. Her very worked up and insistent friend.

"Yeah, okay, fine." Becca threw her hands into the air, not in the mood to fight. She knew their whole gang was already well aware of the 'thing' between the two women. "He did interrupt 'something'." She made silly little quotation marks with her fingers in the air. Then she left it there. They could think whatever they wanted. She grinned and walked off towards her room for a shower. All she heard as she shut the door was "This is not over, Rebecca!"

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