Chapter 24: Firsts

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Freen's head tipped forward, her breath tickling along Becca's ear as she whispered with a husky tone, "I want you... I want this..." Becca felt the jolt down her abdomen at Freen's words. She knew Freen was ready, but she still wasn't sure if she was. There were so many implications to think about should they go through with this, such as their friendship, relationship, situationship, and their band. Becca knew that so many things could go wrong.

Freen had caught onto Becca's habit of overthinking and knew the second a certain vacant expression graced Becca's features that she was heading down that hole. "Becca, look at me..." Freen leaned back in order to see Becca's eyes. Becca's focus came back and zoned in on Freen's deep, dark gaze, which was so clearly aflame with desire. "Don't think. Feel..." Freen leaned in and kissed Becca like it was the final opportunity. Her hunger could no longer be ignored and she did not plan on even just trying. She unabashedly started grinding down into Becca's lap, which she was still straddling tightly.

Becca melted into the fiery kiss and absorbed all of Freen's passion. She could not refrain from moving her hands up the back of Freen's shirt, stopping where she felt the bra strap. From there she raked her nails down Freen's back, leaving fine red lines embedded in her otherwise immaculate skin. "Oh god, that's it..." Freen moaned against Becca's lips and arched her back into the pleasant pain Becca was inflicting. Her hips dipped down again, hard, into Becca's lap, while her mind went completely blank. Freen was gone.

Becca shivered as Freen's words graced her ears and she couldn't help but tilt her head in order to catch a glimpse of their bodies sliding together, where the heat was about to start a raging fire. Becca lost her breath at the sight of the skin now exposed from Freen's shirt riding up her perfect stomach. In the other direction, Freen's thighs were visible, as well as her white underwear. Becca felt like she could come undone right there and then, but the pleasure she felt was so potent that she wanted to immerse herself so deeply and then completely drown.

Freen reached for Becca's hands and brought them up to the buttons of her shirt, waiting for Becca to make that crucial decision. It was right then, or perhaps never. Thus that as well scared Becca, maybe more than anything. She knew she could not keep on declining Freen. She knew she couldn't keep holding herself back. Freen watched Becca with a dark blaze in her eyes, breathing heavily from both effort and anticipation. Becca stared back ferociously and bit her bottom lip.

She popped the first button while trying to steady the slight tremble in her hands. This was so not like Becca, to lack her usual confidence in bed. This was so different, she knew, because it was Freen. Her best friend, her first love, her first heartbreak, and now Becca would be Freen's first lover. Becca almost grinned at the irony, but her lips were already sliding up Freen's neck, causing Freen to groan in delight. Once Becca had finished the row of buttons, she pushed the shirt slowly over Freen's shoulders. Once it dropped, Becca's heart nearly gave out. Now, seated in her lap, was Freen in all her beautiful glory, covered by nothing but a pair of white underwear.

"Fuck me..." Becca swallowed and Freen gave her a cheeky grin. "Oh I plan on it." Freen hissed at Becca as she felt that Becca was toying with the clasp of her bra. Becca didn't hesitate long before she popped it open with ease, freeing the soft flesh trapped beneath. Becca marveled at what she saw, her fingers reaching to run along each and every perfect curve that they found. Becca swore Freen did not look like this when they were at school and was rather glad that it took them until now to reveal themselves to each other. They both wanted to savour each moment of this new chapter of their lives that somehow intertwined again after so many years. It felt like an eternity ago now.

"You need to take off your jeans, babe. They're a little rough, if you know what I mean..." Freen grinned at Becca as she watched the woman who was clearly worshipping her body. Becca glanced up with a furious blush stretching across her features when she registered what Freen had said. The goddess in Becca's lap pulled back a little as she went to work on the button and fly of Becca's jeans. Becca helped Freen to push them down her legs and finally Freen tugged them off Becca's feet, flinging them to the side. Becca was wearing her usual black boy shorts that Freen thought she looked so explosively hot in. Freen couldn't waste more time and tugged Becca's top over her head, where she found that it was nothing but skin from there on.

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