Chapter 19: The day after...

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Becca's POV

I was burning up, my skin rippling as it was rocked by the tension building in my body. The hairs were raised, but mostly due to her lips grazing my skin, her whispers in my ears that I could not possibly repeat in polite company...

"Becca..." She spoke my name with her ethereal voice, her image like a goddess before me that deserves worship. "Becca!" She called out to me and I was in her arms, skin to skin and bodies on fire.

"BECCA! FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Richie banged on my door one more time before I finally rolled over lazily and groaned from being ripped out of my dream. Oh my god, what a dream indeed. Freen was just...I'm possessed by her. "Fucking hell..." I heard Richie's cursing retreat from behind my door. I quickly jumped into action and took strides to the door and yanked it open.

"SORRY RICHIE!" I yelled down the hall to the kitchen where Richie was headed towards. "I was fast asleep man! It's like...", I paused and looked at the watch on my arm, "seven fucking forty five! Richie, come on!"

Richie leaned back around the corner to take a look down the hall at his baby sister. "There you are..." He started sauntering back towards me with a grin on his face. "How was your night?"

I screwed up my face in confusion, wondering why he'd be so interested. Then I realised... "Ohhhhh, noooo Rich, she's not here. She wasn't here. I really took her home." There was no story here, if you asked me.

"Suuuuuureee." He teased me. Maybe I was overcompensating with my confidence. "So tell me, how was it? Obviously I don't want details. But I wanna know that my little sis is alright."

"We kissed by her front door like it was a lesson in deep sea diving. I swear I never felt anything like it..." I swooned a little as I leaned comfortably against the wall next to my bedroom door, my eyes glazing over as I remembered bits and pieces and flashes from a sexy dream I was having about Freen...

"Was it as scary as you thought it would be?" Richie was referring to our conversation about wasting any more time. "It was terrifying." I answered quickly but with a smile on my lips and a blush coloring my cheeks. "But so worth it. Now I'm intrigued and mystified by her. It's like now I have the go ahead to stalk her and make her my prey. She has essentially relinquished herself to me." I couldn't believe I was blabbing so much to my brother, but he was my family and I trusted him more than anything.

"Becca, as long as you're happy. And I think you'll find that, should you give a chance to Freen, you two could be really happy together." Richie's gentle advice always helped to settle my nerves. I leaned in and hugged him, tightly. "So go for it, little sis..." He ended off and ruffled my hair, mussing it up even more than it was after waking up.

I turned towards my room and went for my bed. I'm glad and happy about how our evening ended. I can't think of a more perfect way for the current level of our relationship... situationship... Whatever. It was unlabeled and I liked the freedom that it came with. Not freedom to hookup with other people, but rather freedom from expectations - ones you curse upon yourself and those that others place upon you. Right now I just wanted to be Freen's person, and I wanted Freen to be my person.

I stared at the ceiling for a while, not knowing what else to do other than think of Freen. I missed Freen. I wanted to talk to her. Or better yet, see her somehow. I know that she had to take some time this week preparing for an exam, though luckily the band had no gig that weekend either. Though we'll soon start hard again to prepare for the Big Bandslam the next weekend. Just the thought of it caused an anxious pang in my stomach.

As if she was reading my mind, her message came through just as I picked up my phone...

F: 'Insert lame next morning awkward text here.'

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