Chapter 17: WhooHooo!

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm just here to offer some help with your experience. If you haven't been doing this, you need to immediately start listening to the songs I name in the story. That way you can immerse yourself further into the sound produced. Just imagine Becca is singing, and you guys should know what her voice is capable of. Alright, please enjoy! Drop some comments!


After the movie that night, Freen offered to drive Irin home once they had arrived at the Armstrong house, leaving Becca and Richie to gather their thoughts before bed, both feeling a little scrambled from the night they had. Waving to the girls as they pulled out of the driveway, the siblings remained standing in the humid night air, simply staring into open space for a while before finally turning towards one another. They both instinctively knew a talk was about to follow.

Becca and Richie had been close all their lives, despite the occasional sibling spat or rivalry. Richie had always been exceptionally protective of his little sister in any and all situations, while Becca, to the best of her ability, was just as protective of him. When she had been young she had struggled with being bullied quite a bit for being the odd one out. Richie was always there to console her and when he could he would even throw a punch or two. He was always willing to get into trouble for Becca. Becca herself scared off quite a few girls when Richie had still been at school simply because she 'didn't like the look of them'. When their parents had gone through a rough patch of fighting and separation, it was each other that they turned to and shared their thoughts and feelings with. They might have lost touch a bit when Becca was in high school and Richie at college, but their bond remained strong, which was what pulled them back together again and pushed them to start working on their shared dream together. More than anything they loved each other dearly and only wanted what was best for the other.

"So..." Becca started and grinned at her brother next to her. "So..." He returned right back at her with a small smirk. "You first." Becca motioned towards him as they turned to head into the house. "I saw you guys kissing."

Richie chuckled and lightly shoved Becca with his shoulder before letting her walk through the front door ahead of him. "Yeah, and? Does it bother you?" He knew to tread lightly and figured it might be strange for Becca considering it was her brother and best friend that were hooking up. "Not at all. I think it's really good. But only if it's possibly going to go somewhere. I love you both and if either of you fuck up I might have to kick some ass." Becca arched her brow and stared hard at Richie as he walked to the fridge to get them each a drink. Becca slid onto one of the chairs at the counter and watched him closely for any tell-tale signs.

"It's too soon to really tell, but I swear I really like her. She's funny and quirky and really beautiful. Not to mention smart. And already approved of by my little sis." He laughed and pointed his bottle at Becca. "At least I know you won't chase this one away."

Becca gave a chuckle of her own before taking a sip from her drink, rolling her eyes over the brim of the bottle. "Hey, I'm not that bad! Well, at least not all the time. And like I said, this time I approve. Just... Take it slow. No need to rush anywhere, ya know?" She sighed and placed her bottle on the counter, thinking of her own situation and how slow it was going. Richie must have caught the faraway look in her eyes then as he leaned onto the counter in front of her, eyeing her suspiciously.

"What about you and Freen? Don't think we haven't all noticed what has been brewing between you two. Wanna talk about it?" His warm big brother side settled over her like a comfy blanket, assuring her that he'd always take care of her, both physically and emotionally.

"You already know what happened between us at school. It's just been really hard for me to see past that..." She shrugged as she stared hard at the counter before her, seemingly confused at her own words. Richie tilted his head questioningly before asking, "Why exactly Becks? I just mean... It's been a long time since then, you know? And it has become blatantly clear that she is fucking smitten with you. In fact, it's almost disgustingly cute how she's so down bad for you." He laughed as Becca tried to give him a smack, but he managed to pull away just in time. "But seriously though... Are you ever going to give her a chance at redemption?"

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