Chapter 25: Exploring Emotions

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Freen and Becca were a full fifteen minutes late for band practice that afternoon, having spent most of the morning exploring the depths of their newfound relationship. Becca was relentless in showing Freen the true meaning of passion, over and over again. It took a while, but on Freen's insistence she had Becca show her what she liked, how she liked to be touched. Freen had never known such an all consuming sense of gratification as she did when she watched Becca tumble over the edge of ecstasy and knowing that she had caused it. The woman had embedded herself into Freen's heart long before that morning, but the morning just cemented her feelings for Becca.

Freen was helplessly in love with her and she longed to stick by Becca's side and seize the opportunity to build something more. "No Strings attached", the words from that one fateful evening stuck in her mind. It was honestly not what Freen wanted anymore, yet she had no idea how receptive Becca would be to the idea. So she decided to relent and play it by ear, not wanting to put undue pressure on Becca because of her feelings.

"Well finally the two lovebirds arrive. Welcome to band practice, ladies." Heng made a big show with hand gestures and an exaggerated tone of voice. Freen blushed lightly where she was walking behind Becca, allowing the cocky female to take the lead. "So sorry, boys. We just had..." She turned her sparkling gaze to fix on Heng as she paused and brought one hand to her face. "...such...a hankering..." She let the tip of her index finger slide along her lips seductively as she watched him closely. "...for waffles..." The tip of her finger then slipped into her mouth as she enveloped it with her lips, then popped it back out with a discernable sound. "...with cream..."

Heng's eyes grew comically large as he swallowed with great difficulty, but the display was enough to shut him up about it. The other three laughed at Heng's expense as he grew red in the face. "Can we get to work now? What's the warm-up?" He asked with agitation as he checked the tuning on his bass. "All good with me! Get set, we'll play Check yes Juliet." Becca hopped over to her guitar, grabbing it on her way to the mic. The others soon joined her in readying themselves. Soon Freen was picking at her guitar for the intro before the whole band jammed in when the lyrics kicked off. Becca and Freen would steal warm glances every now and then, both of them still basking in the rush of their morning intimacy.

Freen could not even have imagined that things between her and Becca would turn out the way it did, though it was exactly what she had wanted. Initially she had simply missed her best friend and did all she could to gain Becca's trust again. She definitely didn't plan on falling in love with the woman, but it was the best feeling that has ever gripped her. Looking at Becca now as she sang filled Freen with pride and delight.

"Check yes Juliet, I'll be waiting. Wishing, wanting, yours for the taking. Just sneak out and don't tell a soul goodbye."

Becca kept her dark eyes fixed on Freen for a more extended time as she sang to Freen, causing the taller beauty to blush quite visibly. Luckily the guys were too busy jamming to notice the secret passing between the two women. Becca was still filled with euphoria due to her and Freen breaking down the boundaries that morning. Becca had wanted Freen since high school, though it hurt so much to be separated from Freen that she didn't allow her thoughts to travel much. That morning was a surprise initiated by Freen and Becca only had so much willpower. She had given in like a puddle of melted ice.

"We're flying through the night, way up high. The view from here is getting better with you by my side..."

Becca crooned in Freen's direction as the song steadily came to an end, the two women finally facing one another and grinning from ear to ear. "That was good." Becca exclaimed as she broke eye contact and spoke to the band in general. They were sounding better and better each week, and the coming week would be of the utmost importance as it is the last week before the big band slam. Becca got ready again for the next song, her band mates following her lead. "Okay, classic this time. Kiss me!" Becca said excitedly, though the guys seemed to groan slightly. They used to play the song relentlessly at a time when it was part of a set for a gig before. It was a good warm-up routine however.

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