Chapter 22: Strings and Boundaries

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Freen was barely through the threshold at Becca's bedroom door when she found it shut behind her and her back suddenly pressed up hard against it. Becca's hands slid roughly over Freen's hips as the smaller woman pressed herself up against her taller counterpart. "I don't know how I'm going to survive these jam sessions..." Becca's eyes were aflame as she looked at Freen's eyes from left to right, then down to her lips. Lips that were calling her name.

"You don't need to control yourself so much, you know..." Freen half-whispered into the hot air between their lips. "No one has to know. No pressure. No expectations..."

"But everyone already knows. What would we be hiding?" Becca still didn't move from Freen's space, but soon enough she felt her own taught muscles bending and flexing to Freen's will as the taller girl guided the two of them towards the bed. When Becca's calves hit the side of the bed, Freen shoved and pushed down on Becca's shoulders while climbing onto Becca's lap once again.

"They wouldn't need to know about us having sex...for one." A devilish smile formed on Freen's lips as she looked down at Becca where she kept her pinned to the mattress. Becca gasped and then gulped, her lips parted slightly as she stared up at Freen for a few silent seconds.

"We had sex?" Becca asked breathlessly, but at least still managed to keep some semblance of her sense of humour.

"Hmmm... I meant, when he have had the near future perhaps..." Freen leaned over and let the tips of her long hair tickle Becca's face as it cascaded over her shoulders. She let her hands slowly creep their way from Becca's hips in an upward direction. Her swollen lips fell upon Becca's collarbone first, so deliciously on display above the white tank Becca was wearing.

Finally Becca seemed to come to life after one more jolt and gasp from the contact to her collarbone. Her fingers came up quickly to dig desperately into Freen's hair, curling around thick strands. "Fuck..." Becca breathed out lowly once her hips rolled up between Freen's thighs, instantly indicating that it was something she desired deeply.

Freen took Becca's response as a good sign and continued pushing the boundary line between them. Freen was eager to see how far she could push and so she rolled her hips in a delectably slow motion, grinding herself into the smaller girl beneath her.

"Fuck..." Becca breathed heavily into Freen's ear, feeling herself slip away from proper thought parameters.

Freen kissed her way from Becca's throat and followed the line of goosebumps forming over Becca's slightly salty skin. She found herself in the soft hollow just beneath Becca's ear and pressed her hot tongue against the already flushed flesh.

"No strings attached, right?" She purred deep in Becca's neck, who still seemed to be struggling to function properly. Becca had simply been struck dumb. There she was, living her dream with Freen on top of her, basically asking for sex. She had to do something.

It didn't even take three seconds for Becca to flip them around, this time pinning Freen to the bed while she slowly rolled her hips up and into the space between Freen's thighs. A small whimper fell from the Thai woman's lips.

"They already think we're having, or will soon have, sex." Becca whispered against Freen's throat after leaning over to kiss her jaw. Another slow thrust from Becca up and into Freen with her hips had both of them breathe out small moans. They could both feel the shared heat between them through the fabric of their pants.

"No strings attached between us, and a secret kept from them. They can guess, but will never be sure. And we can just...blow off some steam while figuring things out..." Freen half begged and half insisted through her teeth as she grazed them along the skin on the other side of Freen's neck, causing her to squirm beneath Becca.

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