Chapter 18: And then it happened...

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Becca looked around her, a joyous grin spread across her face while her eyes were reduced to slits. Even so, they were sparkling. She possibly had almost everything she could ever ask for right around her in the form of her family and friends. And Freen. Becca knew the woman was breaking through her defenses, but as much as Becca didn't want to be around her at the beginning, now Becca just wanted to get closer.

When she closed her eyes she could smell Freen on her if she focused enough. She could feel the warmth of Freen's skin. She could hear the sound of her whisper and the weight of her body. Physically Becca had been completely taken. Now she just had to find the balance.

Freen was an excellent guitarist, better than almost anyone Becca knows, and she learned super fast how to adapt to songs. She gave the band the strength and the soul that it needed. In fact, Freen might be their golden ticket into a record label.

Freen was extremely attentive. She was a great listener, as was she a conversationalist, always ready to console or encourage. She had the most gentle soul Becca had ever seen and it made her smile. Freen was a safe and happy space to be in, and it eased Becca's nerves to be around her.

With that, mixed with the physical attraction, Becca couldn't see them holding out much longer. Becca wanted to move on from the phases she had been going through with Freen. First there was anger, defense, indignation, annoyance... Then it started changing. Slight steps at a time: neutral, amused, interest, friendship, romance...

However, she couldn't help but worry what would happen if they were to split up. Maybe that could be avoided by never hooking up at all. Should they split up, the consequences would ripple through the band. However... Even so, the level her and Freen had reached in their connection was already deep enough to have everything come crumbling down should something negative happen between them.

By now there was no way to escape it anymore. It already existed. It was already there. Becca smirked to herself and sipped from her drink. She had had quite a few and was feeling a little woozy, but she knew herself and how to handle her shit. As long as she kept it together enough for Freen.

For Freen. Becca immediately felt a surge of protective instinct envelope her when she took it upon herself to be Freen's keeper. It was a good feeling, a comforting one.

"Hey gorgeous, let me have that one..." Becca crooned at Freen as she gently pulled Freen's drink from her hand and drank some of it before putting the rest aside. Becca would follow up on this by having Freen take a couple swigs of water as well. When Becca felt confident that Freen was sober enough to get into a car, the two ladies said goodbye to their friends, as Becca was to drop Freen at home.

The two walking away, Becca's hand on Freen's lower back which spoke volumes, absolutely had their friends in stitches. It was very clear to everyone present that there could not be a better night for those two to get their shit together.


"So...where are we going...?" Freen purred next to Becca, though kept enough distance to not cause an accident!

"Now I'm taking you home." Becca grinned and turned to give Freen an amused glance.

"Your home? Yeas please!" Freen cried out in jest, though honestly she absolutely would not mind if Becca could bring her home for real.

"Sadly no. I'm taking you to your dorms. When last have you studied or practiced? When's your next exam?" Things Becca never would have given a shit about have suddenly become important to her. Freen chuckled at the adorable display Becca's expression held, seemingly confused. Freen interjected before there was a misunderstanding. "I have a supervisor that helps me out. She knows I've got a lot going on. She actually encouraged me to immerse myself in the band, said it was good to stay connected to the music at a soul level that I could happily vibe to."

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