Chapter 16: Take Me Out

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The week afterwards was like a breath of fresh air around Becca and Freen. That heavy cloud they had experienced from their tentative reunion, as well as the tension from getting to know each other again, had slowly dissipated. In fact, the atmosphere had become much lighter within and around the band as they continued to practice a few hours every day.

They had a new gig the approaching Saturday night that they were actually getting paid for, giving them the opportunity to perform a full set at a local sports bar. The crowd mostly consisted of young adults hanging out, drinking, chatting and playing pool. The band was quite excited to put their list of songs together and getting their set just right to promote their sound in order to get more support for their next performance.

The previous Bandslam left a bitter taste in their mouth when they not only found themselves going up against Scott's band, The Shots, but their pride was also bruised badly when they lost. It was close, but it was a reality check for sure that they needed to up their game before the big performance in a few weeks' time. This weekend they were expected to play a set of cover songs in order to entertain the crowd by giving them what they wanted to hear. The band didn't mind as playing a good set of covers often garnered more attention and a bigger following.

The relationship between Becca and Freen had also progressed slowly but much easier as the two fell into a much more relaxed state around one another after their heart to heart. Their old habits with each other even started to surface in their chats, their banter, and even their actions as they became more playful with each other. It became a common occurrence for them to annoy each other with child-like behaviour, such as when Freen stole Becca's beanie, prompting the latter to chase Freen around the yard, or when Becca would hide Freen's guitar picks around the lawn, causing Freen to wrestle Becca to the ground in order to take them back.

The others would look at each other knowingly, sharing secret smiles and whispers when they observed the two girls. It had started to become obvious that a foundation was starting to form between the two that inevitably seemed like it might lead somewhere. Richie, Irin and Nam were delighted, while Heng would often roll his eyes in jest, complaining how it was unfair to a hot blooded guy like himself to have to face two such incredibly attractive women who clearly only had eyes for each other.

As Friday arrived Irin had made the suggestion that the two siblings spend some quality time together - after the four of them went out for the evening. A new drive-in had opened on the outskirts of town in the fashion of the classics they had only observed in old movies. It had always seemed like a lot of fun and there was a current of excitement in the air. They would take Richie's car, along with some blankets and pillows, and get comfy while watching the classic, and original, Scream. Parking about two rows in from the back, they found a spot that was close enough to other cars in order to not feel too exposed, but also far enough for some privacy.

"I don't get why we had to pick the horror movie to watch!" Irin groaned, staring back at Becca who was getting comfy in the backseat next to Freen. She simply grinned and shrugged her shoulders at Irin, then turned her attention to Richie. "Yeah brother dearest, why is that?" Becca knew exactly why Richie had chosen the horror movie, and that was because he knew Irin scared easily and he wanted to be the one in whose arms she ended up, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"Shut up Becks. I didn't ask you about taking the backseat." He groaned at his little sister, rather afraid of what might happen back there with her and Freen who had gotten so cozy with one another. Becca's cheeks burned a little as she gave Freen a tentative sideways glance. Honestly, Becca hadn't planned on doing anything. She just wanted to be comfortable, though the idea of ending up in the backseat with Freen made her swallow down her drumming heart.

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