Chapter 20: Some things are bound to happen...

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"So, tell me, what's the big secret?" Freen urged Becca to tell her what she's been keeping hidden from everyone. They were seated on opposite ends of Becca's couch, drinking some coffee as they were talking.

"Okay so, I was afraid everyone would get mad at me, so I need you to be honest. A guy approached me after the gig last night and offered me a solo gig at The Greco. It would be a small and intimate gig for the evening, but it's really good exposure and..."

Freen cut Becca off from talking further by gently placing her fingertips to Becca's lips. "Don't you ever apologize for chasing your dreams! This is an amazing opportunity that you shouldn't even think twice about. And the rest of us will book a table and be there for you." She lowered her fingers and gave Becca a stern but imploring stare.

Becca sighed and ran her fingers back through her hair. "So you guys won't be angry at me for doing solo work?" Becca didn't want anyone to feel like she was leaving them in the dirt. Honestly, she never saw herself going anywhere in the music industry without her band. She never even considered a solo career. She needed this experience to see how she felt about the possibility.

Freen shook her head gently at Becca while she reached to cup her cheek softly with her one hand. "This is your dream more than anyone else's. Grab on with both hands and don't let go. Your people will be happy and supportive and proud. I promise." The way Freen interacted with Becca felt to her like Freen was sending a certain type of energy flowing from her hand into Becca's chest. She couldn't explain the connection she felt with Freen. She guessed it had been about eight years in the making. That was no little amount of time, and it had no little amount of influence.

"Thank you, that means a lot. I'm feeling a bit better. I guess I just have to tell everyone at some point this week." Becca spoke as she leaned into Freen's hand, enjoying the feeling it maintained in her. Freen could feel her skin grow warm wherever she felt Becca's skin. She massaged her thumb over Becca's cheek and savoured the ripple of feelings.

Freen switched over from feeling Becca's cheek to starting tangling her fingers in Becca's hair, playing with the individual strands next to her eyes and against her ear. "I promise you, everyone will be cheering for you." Becca's gaze turned dreamy as she took in Freen's words and touch and the look of utter adoration she carried. Freen let her eyes fall to Becca's lips as she smiled so softly. Oh how she craved to cover those beautiful lines and curves with her own mouth.

They subconsciously drew closer together, as if guided by a force far stronger than them. It was magnetic and electric and sensual and secure and everything it needed to be in one. "I want to kiss you..." Freen whispered inches from Becca's lips and Becca still had to get used to the fact that the only person who could ever tame her was the part of Freen that had been her best friend. She was screwed. Freen was the only woman who could subdue the fuckboy Becca, frontman of the band, always on top. And here Freen was taking charge faster than Becca could even find a horse.

"Hey guys, sorry for interrupting, I forgot something, two seconds and I'm gone, I'm really sorry, okay, yeah here it is, I'm gone, bye!" Richie had perfect timing as he disrupted the moment by bursting through the front door. Both girls jumped back and tried to stop their hearts from creeping up their throats. They took a few silent moments after Richie was out the door again before they cracked up. The girls matched each other's laughter as they rolled in their seats, doing their best to let the tension fade a bit.

"Okay okay. Really though, we both have work to do." Becca reminded Freen and the two moved onto the pillows that were placed on the carpet by the low coffee table. Freen pulled her books from her bag and opened them one by one on the tabletop. Becca gave her enough space and rather chose to remain seated next to Freen, but to rather lean back against the couch with her journal and a pencil.

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