Chapter 13; Sunday

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Sunday was the perfect day to rest and recover from the previous night, Becca decided, as she lay on the couch in her boy shorts and tank top, watching television. She had all the freedom she wanted as Richie was out for the day, which suited her just fine. Her head was buzzing with all the events from the previous evening: the band's kickass performance, then the sinking feeling of Scott being back on the scene, and of course Freen's unexpected advances.

It wasn't that she didn't want to give in, because god knows she almost did with how much she actually craved Freen. But so much water had gone under the bridge that it just wasn't that easy. For all she knew Freen was just doing it out of a bout of jealousy, or even curiosity. Becca had it bad for Freen and she certainly wasn't going to just open her heart to the woman just to have it crushed again. The fear was too real for her.

Speaking of the devil, Becca glanced over at her phone next to her on the couch when it buzzed from a message.

F: Hello.

B: Hey.

F: What are you up to?

B: Just lounging.

F: Oh, is the girl gone already?

B: What girl?

F: The one you took home last night.

B: I didn't take anyone home last night.

F: Oh really? Why not? Performance anxiety?

B: Funny. Nah this chick asked me really nicely not to.

F: Wow, and you listened to her?

B: Yeah, how stupid. I was cold all night.

F: This is Bangkok. It's never cold.

B: Okay fine, I was horny all night.

F: And whose fault is that?

B: That chick's fault.

F: Why? Because you were thinking about her all night?

Becca found herself blushing hard. Freen wasn't entirely off track there. It's not that Becca always got laid after a gig, but that combined with her thoughts of Freen and her scent and her lips and her hands and her whispers... Becca shivered. Damn, why did Freen have to have such a tight hold on her?

Taking too long to respond to Freen, another message came through soon after.

F: I'll take that as a yes...

Damn this woman, Becca thought. She was about to shoot off some smart-assed response but her train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. She definitely wasn't expecting anyone. Sauntering over to the door, she lazily swung it open with no regard as to what she was wearing. She rarely cared. However, there stood Freen on her doorstep and Becca's jaw went slack.

Freen's own mouth opened and closed once or twice as she raked her eyes over Becca's body with its barely-there clothing. She was toned and muscled like a kickboxer, which Freen knew she was. Becca had picked up the exercise routine in school already and it was well known that she could destroy a person like a hurricane if she wanted to.

"Uuuh... What are you doing here? There's no practice today." Becca stuttered a little, very aware now of the way Freen was looking at her. She could swear she saw hunger in those dark eyes, however it was well-contained hunger.

"I thought maybe we could watch a movie or something. Come on, I'll make you popcorn." Freen grinned. It seemed weird now, but it was a common tradition back in school. Most Sundays they would lounge around together at either house and watch movies and eat popcorn. It was the simplest, most enjoyable thing for the two, then, friends.

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