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He was restless. He wouldn't stop his pacing back and forth, and each time he did, the floor of the garage vibrated.

"Bee." You said. "Stop pacing. You're making an earthquake here. Come and sit here, please."

Bumblebee shook his head and proceeded to sound his vocalizer incoherently, as a means to complain. Regardless, he sat down next to you. His sapphire blue optics dimmed and projected sadness.

You're a 20-year-old female college student who was caught in an unimaginable situation. A month ago, you bought your first car at a dealer near home. A yellow VW Beetle. Who would've thought this Beetle Bug was actually an alien robot who was stranded on planet Earth due to some alien civil war?

"Are you sad, Bee?" You asked in a loving tone.

Bumblebee nodded and looked away.

"Why are you sad?"

Bumblebee dialed his radio to a part of a song, "I'm worried about you, oh yeah --" His sad gaze fell upon your tender face. There was so much more than a line of a song that Bumblebee wanted to convey. I don't want anything to happen to you. I will not forgive myself should you get hurt. I have to find ways to be with you and protect you. I...

Bumblebee's thoughts were interrupted by the very face he was gazing upon. Tonight, the garage was dark and cold due to power outage. However, the moonlight shone through the garage windows and landed on your figure. Under the moonlight, your skin looked pale, and your slender body made you look even more fragile. But by the Allspark, swore Bumblebee, she is beautiful.

You smiled. You moved toward the Autobot and gently climbed and sat on his lap. "Don't worry, Bee." You said, placing a hand on Bumblebee's metal frame.

"I will be fine. Besides, it will only be 2 days, Bee. It's a study tour out of town and I need to go to pass this certain class. Plus, your presence is requested by your leader tomorrow. After 2 days, we will meet again here. I promise I will be fine." As you rubbed your palm on his metal frame, Bumblebee could only let out what was the equivalent to that of a human's sigh.

On one side, Bumblebee was very anxious about tomorrow, the day that he had to temporarily part with you, the only human he cared about. It was true that since he first met you last month, Bee never left your side. Especially after everything you went through together: from being hunted by the Decepticons to possibly saving the world together. For now, with Optimus Prime and the other Autobots being on Earth, things were safe. But one never knew what the Decepticons had planned, especially regarding yourself, knowing that you had a bond with an Autobot. If Optimus hadn't requested the Autobots to gather for a mission tomorrow, he would've followed you to make sure you're safe.

On the other side, the warmth on his cheek transmitted unexplainable electricity in his system. His spark lightened in a way it always did whenever you touched him. What am I feeling? Bee wondered. He was excited, it was all fuzzy, yet he was calm, he felt home.

Bumblebee placed his hand gently on your back, caressing it as lightly as he could, as if you were made of glass. "Alright -- communication device -- I'm only one call away --" Bee made a promise with himself. No matter where you are, call out to me and I'll be there.

"Of course, Bee." You whispered and smiled. "I love you." At that very moment you were struck by your own words. Since when? But that was as honest as you could. You loved him. Was it platonic? No. It was more. Then, was it romantic? Bumblebee's optics widened and his spark pulsed brightly upon hearing the words. Your own heart beat stronger and irregularly. Did you finally let go of logic and accept the fact that you had grown romantic feelings toward the Autobot? Was it wrong? If it was, how did it feel so right? You had had a couple of boyfriends in the past and they were all narcissistic, self-absorbed boys with huge ego. Never before had you felt genuine care, love, and warmth.


Despite the cold of the garage, at this very moment, you both felt warmth. The warmth of being with each other, the comfort of feeling each other's embrace. Bumblebee was amazed by his ability to feel love. After his young 10,000 years of being alive, endless fights and wars, this was the first time he felt such tender feelings. Bumblebee adjusted his radio dial, trying to find a suitable string of words that could best convey his feelings. But there were none. 

"Feel -- here --" Bumblebee's chest plates opened to each side. Inside, there lied the most beautiful and magical blue sphere, emitting soft, bright, sapphire pulses. His spark. His life force, his soul. You were lost at words. What was Bumblebee trying to say? But your question was quickly answered as Bumblebee guided your hand gently towards his spark. His other hand still cupped on your back, gently tightening the embrace as your hand was reaching his spark. His head slightly dropped and he could feel your soft hair on his frame. Bumblebee lowered his optics lid, eventually shutting them as he felt deeply. 

(Disclaimer: I do not own the image

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(Disclaimer: I do not own the image. Image credit goes to Youkaiyume on Pillowfort)

As your hand reached Bumblebee's spark, a wave of emotions washed over you. Very warm pulses were felt on your skin and with each pulse, Bumblebee's feelings. No words were uttered, yet you could feel how Bumblebee was feeling about you. His unwavering devotion for your being, his protectiveness, and his love that transcended words. It was as if his spark spoke directly to your heart, expressing emotions that couldn't be contained within the confines of language.

It did not take long before tears ran down your cheeks as you realized the depth of Bee's affection. 

"Wow." You trembled. "Bumblebee, I..." You fought to find the right words. "I want to be yours." You cried, remaining in the warm embrace. 

"Mine." Bumblebee responded, and at this moment, time seemed to stop. 

--- to be continued ---

(Author's note: Part 2 will be smut :P If anyone is reading this, let me know what you think!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now