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You remembered the first time you met Bumblebee. He was significantly different back then. Arguably so, because he lost his home, Cybertron, he lost his vocalizer, and he lost his memory. His demeanor would represent that of a toddler; playful, fascinated at all things and acted silly most of the time. And his primary expression was sadness and fear. Again, very much justified by what he had been through before he met you. How things had changed in a month amazed both you and Bumblebee himself. In less than a month, as his memory cells began to repair and he remembered his identity as an Autobot, a more mature side of him showed day by day. He became more aware of his power, ever more protective of you realizing his role as your guardian, and now perhaps even more than that. 

"You have come a long way since we first met, Bee." You lifted your head up to meet Bumblebee's optics.

"In a -- better way -- I hope--" Bee replied, his metallic face only inches away from yours.

"Yeah," you said, "A lot better." You shifted on his lap. You were not sure of what to do at this moment. You gazed upon Bumblebee's optics longingly, wanting... more.  How much I want to... to... you thought, but would he be fine if I... he said I'm his but does that mean we are...

Your uneasiness and desire was transparent to Bumblebee. He did not hold back and took the chance. With a soft hum, he leaned closer. His even closer proximity sent your heart fluttering, your mind blank. 

Bumblebee's fingers gently brushed against your cheek, his touch was both tender and reassuring. Your lips finally met in the most gentle yet passionate kiss possible. The world around you faded away, leaving only the warmth, that soon escalated into heat.

You were in pure bliss, eyes closed, melted into the kiss. Before you could even open your eyes, you found Bumblebee's metallic warmth over your other areas of skin. "Bee--" you inhaled sharply as Bumblebee kissed the small of your neck, and traced his finger down to your chest, then the length of your legs. All the time, his spark beamed with bright, excited light.

In all innocence, Bumblebee tilted his head slightly as if waiting for permission, his finger pointed on your chest, your top button ready to pop. "May I?" Asked Bumblebee through his radio. You could not let out a single word. You nodded breathlessly, still unable to move on from the sensation of the kiss and the tickles on your neck.

With your permission, Bumblebee bared your body in an ecstasy. By the Allspark, how is a human allowed to be this beautiful? He ranted in his mind. Deep down, he could feel his member engine heat up upon the sight of your curves and bare skin. The mounds on your chest with pink tips, the slender of your waist, the roundness of your bottom and the inviting plumpness of your... of her... shoot, I am intoxicated. Bee ranted, as he explored and longingly touched and kissed every part of you, particularly the parts he biblically recited in his mind earlier.

You were no winner in this game either. In fact, you already lost it at the moment of the kiss. Never had you imagined that you would be this much drown in desire for an alien robotic organism. You had been with some boyfriends before and nothing, nothing could compare to this. It was as if every part that Bee touched and kissed came to life, responding to every fiber of his being. Your breath, moans, and cute little protests were melody to Bumblebee's audio receptor. It didn't take long until you were engulfed in desires, unable to hold it back any longer. You were ready. "Bumblebee.." you moaned, "I want you."

With this command, laying you on his lap, Bumblebee spread your long, beautiful legs gently apart, all while locking his optics with your eyes. Some shifts in his lower parts revealed a mesmerizing member of the young Autobot. His hand cupped your back, his other hand carefully and ever so gently guided his member into your already lubricated part. With a gasp, you received his gentle thrust and the completeness that you felt was perfection itself.

"I love you-- Mia" Bumblebee echoed through his radio, calling your name. All while your bodies - human and metal - intertwined, connected, united. His spark pulsed rapidly with each thrust, the warmth of love enveloped both of you from the cold of the garage, and with each ecstatic movement you both ascended, higher and higher, and eventually reaching the peak of your pleasure. Your blissful scream was met by Bumblebee's raw grunt, and you stayed like that for a while that felt like forever, each feeling secure, protected, and completed.

--- to be continued ---

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

(Author's note: Ok ok I know Bumblebee doesn't have a pair of lips as we want to, but! Let's just leave it at that. I know you would be happy to kiss whatever form of "lips" Bumblebee had! :P)

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now