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Dark. Cold.

Weirdly energizing. Powerful.



He flickered his optics trying to turn them on.


His chest heaved in an unusual way.

Unusual... thirst.

The thirst of blood and destruction.


It had been weeks since your last embarrassing meeting with the Autobots at their base. It was out in the open that you and Bumblebee were in an exclusive relationship. Things went quite well for such unique relationship between a human and an Autobot. Optimus reminded Bumblebee that he must prioritize your safety and not be distracted on his missions in order not to jeopardize his comrades' safety as well as yours.

On one fateful mission, however, no matter how the Autobots had put in their relentless effort, disaster happened.

In their battle with the Decepticons, who put in full force attack on the military operations at the dark energon site, many Autobots were injured badly, as well as their human allies. Most of the dark energon mine had been eliminated by the military force; however, a few remained. The Decepticons targeted the few remaining mines, under Megatron's order, in the hope to seize whatever dark matter that was left and experimented on its mystical power.

While the Autobots leader was engaged in a gruesome battle with Megatron, his subordinates, too, suffered greatly. Outnumbered, they relentlessly defended the mine and their human allies.

I must survive. Bumblebee chanted in his mind as he thrust his blade into his enemies.

I must protect our race. He shot his overworked canon, only to be fired back by the cons.

I must protect the humans. He received a blow to his chest. His optics flickered.

I. Must. Protect. Mia. With all his will and whatever might he had left, Bumblebee tried to get up and fight on. But he couldn't. His chest was heavy, being crushed under a Decepticon's foot.

Mia. He murmured as his optics flickered off after receiving another blow.

"Bumblebee!" He could faintly hear Optimus roar, but it was all too late as Megatron took flight upon chance, grabbing unconscious Bumblebee along.


All the while you were in the Autobots base, as per Bumblebee's insistance, of course, arguing that you would be much safer there. You had a lot of homework and projects to do, so you brought them to the base and kept yourself busy, pushing away the feeling that was pulling at your guts, knowing that the love of your heart was in a mission, probably in a battle somewhere with the evil Decepticons.

Everything will be fine, you reminded yourself, just like it has always been.

Not long after, you found out that it was not the case. Optimus and the others got back to the base, all beaten, sustaining injuries and damages. But at least they all returned. No, not all.

Bumblebee. You panicked, not seeing him return with the others, and they had this expression defeat written all over their frames. You gut ached painfully.

"Optimus. Wh--where's Bumblebee?"

He stayed silent.

"Where's Bumblebee??" You repeated your question, more frantically this time, still hoping that your lover would swerve in the entrance just like he always did.

"Mia," Optimus stooped down to close the height gap between you, "Bumblebee was unconscious. And in that state he was taken by Megatron." His voice faltered at the name of his nemesis.

You felt your knees weaken and you dropped on the ground out of sheer panic and loss of hope.

"What did... what did they do to him?" You asked, tears pooling at the base of your eyes.

"He took quite a few blows." Jazz replied, his head hung low. "We were outnumbered, and Megatron took the chance to fly away, taking Bumblebee with him."

"Why... WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM?!!" You sprang back on your feet, screaming, crying, blaming... all of them. Megatron.. the most vicious of them all. You bawled, you could feel as if a blade was tearing the inside of your heart. What will happen to Bee?

"Mia." Optimus tried to calm you, "Though unconscious, Bumblebee was alive when Megatron took him away. With that in our knowledge, we will strategize and fight back in any way to rescue him. You have my word."

"But it can be too late! We don't know what sick torture Megatron has planned to do to him!" You broke down, Optimus' words didn't bring any solace to you. You breathed for the much-needed air, but nothing seemed to fill your lungs except from panic and hysteria, and the big room grew darker and smaller rapidly until it was all black and silent.


"Lord Megatron." Starscream greeted as he entered the experiment chamber in the Decepticons' base.

"Alas! Starscream. Look at my masterpiece." Megatron showed his subordinate the berth in the middle of the chamber. On the berth laid the captured Autobot, his extremities chained to the berth. His optics were off, but his spark pulsed strongly. But the color of the spark was not the usual bright sapphire blue.

"Lord...Megatron. Pardon my ignorance, but why is his spark...purple?" Starcream cowered at the sight of the Autobot.

"Haven't you understood, Starscream?" Megatron laughed. "That thing is no longer an Autobot. He's not even a Cybertronian as of now. I have injected the dark energon into his spark, and now darkness courses through his veins!" He growled proudly. "He will soon wake up to the thirst of destruction, be one with the nature of the dark energon, the blood of Unicron himself." He moved over to Bumblebee and grinned, trailing his claws on Bumblebee's frame. "He, is my masterpiece."

"And... what do you plan after he wakes up, Master?" Starcream grinned with terror.

"Ah - ever so ignorant, Starscream. We don't need to do much. We will set him free and watch from afar. Being blood-thirsty, he will set course on his home - the Autobots base - and we shall watch the Autobots crumble from the inside. Now help me drop him somewhere near his home." With that, Megatron laughed a loud evil laugh.

--- to be continued ---

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now