Of Guilt and Love

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"Who can say where the road goes?

Where the day flows? "

If anyone hadn't told you before, you had a gifted talent of singing. Your voice itself was melodic, and when you decided to sing, notes took off and brought anyone who listened to soar, angelic vibrations inebriating their souls.

"Only time"

And today the one lucky soul (or spark) was none other than Bumblebee. The bypass was a success, fresh blue energon now coursed through Bee's veins once more. Still, the Autobots were still in disbelief of the miracle that your hands brought upon Bumblebee's spark.

"And who can say if your love grows

As your heart chose?"

Melody graced the dimly lit closed room while your body, all battered and bruised, rested next to Bumblebee's on the recovery pod in the Autobots base. Your hand stroke his fine metallic build as you sang, each tone melting away any sorrow that had lingered for the last few days. Bumblebee's optic lids opened as he awakened from his recharge.

"Only time"

You continued singing, eyes closed, sinking in the melodies. Bumblebee didn't move or notify you that he was awake. Instead, he stole this moment to enjoy the serenity that was your voice. Everything is calm. He felt his spark pulsed with ease, each tone from your lips soared him up. Everything is fine.

"Bee?" You noticed the metal under your touch warmed up in response to your calming strokes. "You're awake." You whispered.

He looked at you and smiled. "Such angelic voice. I thought I was one with the Allspark." His voice weak.

"Hush, sweet-talker." You blushed and buried your head in his arm.

Bumblebee sat up slowly and gently picked you up to sit on his lap. He seemed fine, despite looking tired. "You need to rest and recover, Bee." You looked at his optics lovingly, placing one hand on his cheek. He closed his optics briefly, soaking in your gentle touch.

"Being with you is all I need." He cupped his hand protectively on your back. You winced in reflex because of the pain from the bruises due to yesterday's events. A shade of panic filled Bee's expression.

"Are you hurt, Mia? What happened?" He asked worriedly, you must've been hurt, he thought, because he merely touched your back very gently, and it wouldn't have made you wince otherwise.

You shook your head and rested your head in the crook of his neck instead. "It's nothing, Bee. I'm fine." It seemed like Bee didn't remember a single thing that had happened. And you preferred it that way.

Unfortunately Bumblebee didn't buy your words. Through the lights control panel next to his pod, he brightened the lights. Horror struck his optics when he saw the bruised skin on your neck and your wrists. He wanted to see your back too and you refused initially, but finally gave in to his plea.

"Who did this to you?" He asked with a very low, growling tone, albeit very tender. His optics changed expression from startled to pained. Deeply pained; you had never seen this look on him before, not even when he was hurt himself. Bee held your hands very carefully, begging you to tell him the truth.

You smiled and hugged him instead. "It doesn't matter now, Bee. Now what's important is you're back." You looked back at him and immediately your intelligent Autobot boyfriend understood everything. Energon drained from his frame and his optics narrowed in fury as he looked away to the side.

"Tell me the truth, Mia." His voice commanding, sending a shiver up your spine. "It was me, wasn't it?" He looked sadly and deeply into you, as if searching for the answer in your eyes.

You quickly thought of lies that you could tell, but it was pointless because you had never lied to him before, would never do, and frankly you're not a good liar. A sense of panic washed over you, not knowing how much it would pain him to know the truth, as if he hadn't been through enough suffering. You wanted to protect him from the pain of guilt, but it was too late. He seemed to be able to read your eyes, which now started glistening with tears. "Bee..." You could only utter his name in shaky voice, memory of yesterday hurt you.

"Oh, Primus." He threw his head back in the torture of guilt and sadness, and ultimately anger at himself. "No... Mia." He raised his hands to cup your shoulders which were now shaking as you cried, but stopped near contact, barely touching you, afraid to hurt you with his mere touch. "What have I done." His head shook in defeat. "I failed to protect you. From myself." He cursed himself, engine roared in distress.

"Bee, please,". Your heart ached more than anywhere else in your body right now, seeing him beating himself up over something that was out of his own control. "Please look at me." You asked. He obeyed, sadness overwhelming him.

"It wasn't you who hurt me. It was Unicron's darkness. If anything, you were a victim too, Bee. Please, don't beat yourself up. It..." you let out a whimper, "It hurts me."

Bumblebee felt his spark sank into the bottom of his core, realizing how much you must have endured in the past few days of this tragedy. Not beating himself up upon seeing what he had done to you when dark energon possessed him was impossible. But on top of everything, he did not want you to feel any more pain, not even the slightest, physically or mentally.

He swore to himself to shelter this pain alone.

He swore to bring your smile back.

"Forgive me." He said, holding your gaze. Without hesitation he pulled you gently onto his chest and into an embrace.

You are safe now.

He nuzzled your hair, drawing a giggle from you as you felt the tickle.

I will protect you with all that I am.

You looked up and pulled him for a kiss. "How can I forgive someone who had never done anything wrong?"

You have my spark.

The kiss lasted forever, the two of you relishing the passion and love, completing each other in ways that no one else could possibly do.

Your story with Bumblebee had just started, hardships inevitable but beautiful memories promised. You stared into his bright blue optics once more, letting yourself be immersed in the true and tender love you never thought existed before.

--- END ---


Song lyrics used: Only Time by Enya

Author's Note: This work is finally done! Hopefully you had fun reading this as much as I did writing it. Let me know what you think in the comments!

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now