Stranger Danger

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As Bumblebee and Mirage sped in their alt modes to the regroup coordinate, shots were fired in a distance.

"What in the Primus is happening?!" Mirage yelped, as they both got nearer the chaos. It appeared that Cliffjumper and Arcee were surrounded by the Decepticons, Blitzwing and Barricade.

Barricade had the upper hand on Arcee, choking her with one hand and the other was ready to rip her apart.

"Pick on someone your size!!" Cliffjumper tackled Barricade and fired some shots in his face. As the other Autobots arrived, the Decepticons made a run, but Blitzwing managed to sent a rocket shot targeted on the already-hurt Cliffjumper.

"CLIFF--NO!!!!" Arcee screamed, as her sparkmate exploded into pieces. "No...."

The Autobots were beaten. Nobody talked. Arcee was silent, and Optimus was down on one metallic knee next to whatever remained of Cliffjumper.

"He wouldn't have been shot if he did not stop to save me." Arcee moaned in anguish, her body dropped on the ground.

"Arcee," Optimus placed a hand on his soldier's shoulder, "Cliffjumper's death is not on you. It is my responsibility as your leader to protect you all, and my mistake alone that one of us shall fall."

If only we got here faster... Bumblebee thought, partly looking for a reason to blame himself. But there was none. The war between the Autobots and Decepticons had taken many lives, comrades or not. However, seeing Arcee in such anguish saddened him. Rest easy, Cliffjumper. We will watch over Arcee.


The museum tour was boring. Informative, but unamusing. You were jotting on some notes that would be useful for the report on your way to your hotel room on the corridor, when you were caught by a hand. You were about to scream, but then you saw the face of your ambusher. Brent. Brent pulled you to the side, asserting his dominance by pinning you on the wall.

"What's your deal, sweetheart? Why are you making it hard for me?" He hissed.

"What's YOUR deal? Let me go!" Your stomach sickened at the word 'sweetheart'. Unknown to Brent, you pressed the communication device given by Bumblebee, which let Bee hear whatever it was on your side.

"Baby, other girls want me so bad. Them bitches are boring tho, but you. Why are you acting like I don't get a chance? One kiss. Okay? Then I'll let you decide." Brent huffed, his breath too close to your face, and you cringed.

"I. Don't. Want. You! Go to hell!" You shoved him all your might and broke free from his grip. "One step forward and I'll make sure you regret it!!" You barked. Bumblebee, please, I hope you are hearing this.


As the Autobots were drowned in sorrow after burying Cliffjumper, Optimus commanded that they returned to the base, bringing a sample of dark energon. The dark energon was originated from the blood of Unicron. Legend told that its power could reanimate the dead to become the undead. In other words, zombie. Government was contacted to seal off the area and provide surveillance, as well as neutralize the dark energon by explosion.

"Since the Decepticons have got here today, they must have known the existance of this substance too. We need to hold gratitude to Cliffjumper for finding this site. We need to honor our fallen comrade by being more vigilant and make sure he did not die in vain." Optimus lectured.

As Bumblebee listened intently to Optimus, something else grabbed his attention. A signal reached his receptor. The communication device. Mia!

"Baby, other girls want me so bad. Them bitches are boring tho, but you. Why are you acting like I don't get a chance? One kiss. Okay? Then I'll let you decide."

Bumblebee's optics narrowed as he heard a man's voice talking trash and possibly harming his love. Don't you 'baby' my girl! Every fiber in his being seethed with fury, and with Optimus' permission, he transformed into his alt mode and drove in lightning speed.

"One step forward and I'll make sure you regret it!!"

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"One step forward and I'll make sure you regret it!!"

Good. Fight, Mia. Hang in there, I'm coming for you.

"Mia -- press side button -- sting like a bee!" Bumblebee instructed through his radio dial.

As he sped up, a yellow and black Camaro passed by. In a split second Bee scanned the vehicle and adopted a new form. A leaner, meaner form.


"Mia -- press side button -- sting like a bee!"

Brent did not care for your threat, and he charged forward, ignorant of what would happen next. The Cybertronian communication device given by Bee was not of this world's, and with the sting activated, an electricity current zapped at the target you were aiming. Like tazer, you thought, but much cooler!

"Bitch!" Brent dropped on the floor and yelled in pain, "Fuck- it stings!"

Smirking, you left and ran into the elevator.

"Are you ok? -- my love --" Bee asked through the comm.

What did he just call me? You blushed. Your breath still rapid due to the adrenaline surge.

"Y-yes, Bee. I'm, I'm fine."

"Hang on -- I'm coming -- getting you outta there --"

Hearing Bumblebee saying that was like finding an oasis in the desert. You had never felt such relief before. To hell with the study tour. 

"Thanks... honey." You replied as you blushed, and with that Bee sped up even more as his core heated up.

--- to be continued ---

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

(Author's note: I'm updating frequently and will complete this book soon ☺️)

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now