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A yellow Camaro muscle car with black stripes revved its engine as it approached you at the side lobby of the accommodation you stayed in.

"Bee, where are you?" You whispered into the comm device, waiting anxiously for Bumblebee to whisk you out of there.

Then you heard the Camaro honked twice. You couldn't help but notice the sexy muscle car, but it was your lovely yellow VW Beetle you were looking for. 

"Hop in -- beautiful --" You heard the radio voice emitted from the Camaro. Oh, how you would recognize it anywhere.

"Bee?" You asked in disbelief. "Bumblebee?" You gasped when Bee opened the car door prompting you to get in.

"Yes -- my love~" Bee answered.

"Oh my God!" You squealed in awe as you climbed in the metal muscle. "How on earth could you... Oh my God, Bee!"

Bumblebee smirked under his alt mode, and as he started revving his engine to start rolling, a man, limping in pain, shouted.

"Nobody runs away from me, bitch! Don't play hard on me, I know you're a slut!! I bet you got the car from your sugar daddy!"

Brent. Awaken from the grave, it seemed. 

Bumblebee revved his engine louder at Brent's insult. This damned insect. He cursed.

"Mia -- step out--" Bee ordered. You could feel your seat heating up, and you knew it was Bumblebee heating up with anger, so you stepped out.

As soon as Brent tried to approached you, he was knocked and sent flying and with a loud thud, fell on the ground. Brent lifted his head and when he was about to curse, he saw a muscular, towering, intimidating, of what looked like a killer machine staring down at him, ready to squish him to pieces. Brent held his breath.

Bumblebee moved real close and towered over Brent, who was now trembling like a little man that he was

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Bumblebee moved real close and towered over Brent, who was now trembling like a little man that he was. Bee activated his face mask and his optics turned red.

"Cross her path -- hope to die!!"

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"Cross her path -- hope to die!!"

With that, Brent scurried and limped away like a roach while shouting some incomprehensible words.

You stood as a statue, immobilized. Your hands covered your gaping mouth. You didn't know what struck you more: Bumblebee's new muscular lean and mean killing machine look (which was hot, you thought), or the fact that Bee overkilled it with his mask on and his red optics, which was indeed scary (but also hot, you noted), or the comedy of Brent scurrying away like a roach after acting tough.

Bumblebee turned back to his normal blue optics, deactivated his face mask, kneeled on one knee in front of his love, and asked in a caring manner.

"Are you alright? -- my love --" Bee traced your cheek with a finger gently.

You were awakened from your starstruck mind, blushed, looked away, and chuckled. You couldn't handle any more second of this heat.

"Yes, mm.. I'm fine. Bee, you're.."

Bumblebee tilted his head slightly, his finger under your chin and slowly turned your face to look at him again. You flushed. Cuteness overload. He thought.

"I am -- what?" He asked, his optics locked on your eyes, and frankly by his expression, you knew he was smiling.

"*coughs* Hot *coughs* Let's... let's go home Bee." 

Bee smiled, "Let's go! -- home." He said as he transformed back to the Camaro alt mode.

The ride home was long but peaceful. You cooped up in comfort in Bumblebee's interior, listening to Bee's new engine hum, the soothing music Bee played on his radio... and soon lulled to sleep with a smile on your face.

"Thank you," you mumbled, half asleep, "I love you, Bee." to which Bumblebee responded with playing a love song.

--- to be continued ---

Disclaimer: I do not own Bumblebee, Transformers, or any of the related characters. The Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story.

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now