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Your encounter with evil Bumblebee left you in terror as he had made it clear that you were only spared to serve his dark desire. But somewhere in your heart, there was hope. You replayed the shuddering scenes that just happened in the garage. How you saw purple electric veins on Bumblebee's member instead of the usual pulsating blue. This might give the Autobots a clue. And how his optics flickered back to the sapphire blue they had always been, albeit only for a short second during his climax when he engaged in the rough, merciless intercourse with you. You ran your hands to the parts of your skin that was bitten, pinched, spanked, cleaning them gently under the warm shower, thinking to yourself. Now how am I going to tell the Autobots? Where was Bumblebee headed?


Back in the Autobots base, Ratchet had reported that Bumblebee's signal was detected in your house. This explained why Optimus, Mirage, and Jazz showed up in front of your garage the moment you stepped out after shower. Relief filled you when you see them, words jumbled out of your mouth as you reported your encounter with Bumblebee.

"I swear he was not the same." You shuddered. "Trust me, I know him. Even when he lost his memory, he wouldn't be violent. This time it's different. He..."

Optimus eyed your bruised neck and hands. "What did he do to you, Mia?" His voice soft and concerned.

"He.. He took me by force." You looked away at the ground, ashamed, your hand hugging your arm. You could feel the Autobots optics on you. "It- it was not exactly forced, I mean... I gave reactions and didn't fight back - couldn't... but he was violent and, and cruel. He yanked me around, bit me and called me... names."

Mirage put a calming hand on your shoulder. "It's okay," He said, "We're here now." Assuring you.

"But that was not all." You looked up, finding your confidence again. "The veins on his.." you paused, face flushed, "His member..." you whispered. You could see their frames heated up hearing you talk about a certain male Cybertronian body part that they possessed. "They were purple, unlike the usual blue."

Mirage took his hand off your shoulder. "So you and Bee had done it before? Dude."

"Mirage, that's not of importance. Focus on the matter at hands." Optimus reminded, "Mia. I'm sorry you had to go through such events." Sadness emitted from his optics, acknowledging that his scout, one who he considered his own child, inflicted such pain upon you. "But your information will help us tremendously in knowing what we are dealing with. For that, we thank you."

"Sure, Optimus. It's... there's more. When he... when Bumblebee came," Your throat dried up having to elaborate these intimate moments as you could see Jazz and Mirage cooling fan started to turn on in their system. Shoot. You cursed. Let's just get it done with. "When he -um- reached his climax in me, he looked right at me in the eyes and I swear his optics turned back to blue for a second!" You splurted out the sentence in one breath. "He even stared at me tenderly... but the next second it was gone. He turned back to his evil red-eyed self." You scoffed.

"The Dark Energon..." Optimus cursed under his breath, talking through comm to Ratchet back at base. "Ratchet."

"Yes. Heard it all." Ratchet replied.

"We must find an antidote. We must bring Bumblebee back." Optimus commanded.

"Mia, Mirage will escort you back to base to ensure your safety with us. Jazz and I will track Bumblebee down and bring him back to base while Ratchet finds a way to reverse the Dark Energon in him."

"Looks like you're with me, homie." Mirage cocked his head to one side at you, and you smiled.


"So, uh, Bumblebee, huh?" Mirage started the conversation.

To Bee with You: To Darkness and Back (Bumblebee x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now